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Title 歐盟建築能源效能與台灣建築節能法令體系之比較評析計畫
Abstract 地球暖化議題日益嚴重,環境保護、節能已被視為當前重要的課題,近幾年歐盟視建築節能政策為永續環境政策最重要的一環,歐洲議會呼籲更多公共投資投入建築物的能源效能,並有意推動於2019年達到零能源消耗建築。為了達成京都議定書在2020年降低溫室氣體排放量20%的目標,歐盟在建築節能的領域裡,頒布實施「建築能源效能指令」(EBPD),台灣在國際能源危機與永續環境之壓力下,我政府近年也大力推動「綠建築政策」,為了改善我國在建築能源效率上之缺失,歐洲議會的建築能源效能指令EPBD的經驗乃是最值得我國借鏡的典範。本研究即針對此最新建築能源效能EPBD指令進行研究,同時為了能擷取其優點落實於我國的建築節能政策,針對推動節能成績斐然的德國建築節能體制,本研究也一併進行深入彙整分析,對台灣建築節能法令體系與歐盟EPBD的比較研究,同時探討我國推行EPBD系統的可行性研究。
EngTitle The survey of Energy Performance of Buildings Directive(EPBD)comparison with building energy saving
EngAbstract Global warming is an important issue in the world, how to improvement the Earth's environment system and ecology are emergency topics. In 2006 the European applying more stringent standards to new buildings and renovations will enable the EU to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and realize an energy saving potential of more than 20 percent by 2020. This will be a considerable contribution towards meeting the Kyoto targets. The research of Energy Performance of Buildings Directive(EPBD)- The Implementation of the Building Directive delves into how the European Union is planning to tackle climate change and meet the Kyoto requirements through the introduction of energy savings measures and rigorous requirements for buildings. In order to improve buildings energy efficiency use in Taiwan. We referral the Energy Performance of Buildings (EPBD), has been intended to increase awareness of energy use in buildings and result in a substantial increase in investments in energy efficiency measures,. It discusses the various energy efficiency initiatives currently in focus in the EU, with a specific emphasis on the implementation of the EPBD and how it will affect business in the future for Taiwan.
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 溫室氣體減量管理辦公室
ExecutingOrg 財團法人成大研究發展基金會