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Title 全國環境用藥與毒性化學物質管理(含運送即時追蹤)應用資訊系統推動計畫
Abstract 「全國環境用藥與毒性化學物質管理(含運送即時追蹤)應用資訊系統推動計畫」今年達成的主要目標有:1.整合毒災救援資訊及地理空間技術,擴大系統應用廣度;2.推動毒性化學物質運送車輛裝設即時追蹤系統(GPS),落實運作與管理整合工作;3.規劃多元管理機制及功能,提昇服務水準及系統永續經營;4.協助業務推動及資料補登,健全資訊內容及強化管理工作;5.提供全方位的操作說明與教育方式,增進使用流程正確性;6. 落實網路安全管理相關作業,有效防堵駭客入侵。為了強化業者在申辦作業時的便利性,本計畫於今年度擴充了運送聯單複製功能、許可證照申請案件複製功能、病媒防治施作紀錄簡化流程、毒性化學物質和環境用藥專業技術人員設置線上申請審查作業、病媒防治訓練計畫線上填寫功能以及全面性的網頁外觀改版,俾利使用者能得到更佳的服務以及更豐富的資訊。在管理方面,本計畫今年度建置了權限管理機制、單一入口網、精靈版查詢(主題式查詢)、104地理查號台以及完善的審查輔助功能,讓管理者便於使用系統來控管毒性化學物質及環境用藥,並進而有效獲得相關統計數據、展現政府施政績效、即時審閱電子申請書、自動提醒應處理案件以及落實政府e化服務。而在教育訓練方面,本計畫今年度辦理了毒性化學物質業者端系統操作說明會以及環境用藥業者端系統操作說明會各3場次,並針對管理者辦理系統操作說明會2場次以及協助各縣市辦理相關說明會共14場次,以期能讓使用系統之相關業者與管理者能更加熟練系統之操作方法,減少不必要的操作錯誤,提升系統的使用率。
EngTitle National Toxic Chemical Substances And Environmental Agents (including Real-time Tracking) Management Information System Project
EngAbstract The accomplished targets of “National Toxic Chemical Substances And Environmental Agents (including Real-time Tracking) Management Information System Project” included:1. Integration of toxic chemical substances hazard rescue information and geo-spatial technology to expand the breadth of system application; 2. Implementation of the installation of real-time tracking system (GPS) on vehicles transporting toxic chemical substances; 3. Planning management mechanisms and functions to improve service and to make the management system sustainably; 4. Assistance of business promotion and information error correction to make a sound content and to enhance management; 5. Providing a full range of operating instructions and educational methods to enhance the correctness of the use of process; 6. Implementation of network security management to protect against hackers effectively. In order to enhance the convenience of the application processes, the project team provided functions of copying transportation manifest and permit application documents, the simplified process of pest control operation records, the on-line application and approval system for the professional and technical personnel of national toxic chemical substances and environmental agents, on-line filling function of pest control operation records training program. The project team also redesigned web functions to provide better services and more information.As to the management system, the project team built authorization management systems, a single portal network, the wizard version of query (theme-based queries), 104 geographical directory assistance, as well as the complete function of approval process system to let administrators operate easily and access statistical data effectively, and therefore administrators could present management performance. Moreover, system provided real-time review of electronic applications and automatic reminder of project to fulfill the vision of government e-services.As to training, the project team held 3 training programs of toxic chemicals owners and 3 training programs of environmental agents owners, and 2 training programs for administrators. Furthermore, the project team assisted in Environmental Protection Bureau (EPB) with training courses for 14 times. We hoped users become more familiar with the system, avoid unnecessary mistakes, and therefore system usage could be increased.
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 毒管處
ExecutingOrg 振興發科技有限公司