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Title 98年度廢棄物越境轉移國際因應及國內管理計畫
Abstract 本工作分成國際參與及國內運作二大部分,分為四項工作說明如后:(一)巴塞爾公約與亞太區域參與1.電腦設備夥伴計畫(PACE)參與:配合國內業者圓桌會議結論,本計畫團隊自費參與PACE。完成PACE本身、臨時工作組及三個子計畫簡介及摘要國際通訊會議內容。2.亞太區域參與:完成「第六屆亞洲太平洋島嶼固體廢棄物專家會議」、「2009海峽兩岸固廢管理論壇」及「第四届固體廢物管理與技術國際會議」三個會議,五人次與會及出國報告。此外,已就我國2010年主辦亞洲太平洋島嶼固體廢棄物專家會議進行規劃。(二)國內運作-廢棄物越境轉移事務執行1.巴塞爾公約專家小組運作:已於2009年7月8日及11月5日完成二次專家小組會議召開,重點議題包括:中國越境轉移法規運作說明、電腦設備夥伴計畫進度、第六屆亞洲太平洋島嶼固體廢棄物專家會議出國報告、財務擔保及責任保險金額研析、廢棄物越境轉移管制清單草案規劃及亞太區域專家會議籌備說明。2.協助廢棄物輸出入管理相關事宜:包括查詢中國「限制進口廢物審批表」、中國國家品質監督檢驗檢疫總局國內收貨人、國外供應商註冊登記管理、查詢中國境外供貨企業名單、案件審查提及之英國法規資訊釐清、歐盟廢棄物越境轉移管制清單及特定廢棄物疑義判定等之機動協助。(三)國內運作-廢棄物越境轉移法規調整建議1.國外法規研析:完成巴塞爾公約、經濟合作暨發展組織(OECD)、歐盟、英國及中國之越境轉移法規研析。2.國內法規管理:已完成廢棄物越境轉移條文修正草案(2008.11.28送立院版)說明及法規配套措施彙整。3.國內管制清單研擬:依廢棄物清理法修正草案,參酌國外管制現況,提出廢棄物越境轉移管制清單草案(含禁止輸入廢棄物種類及禁止事項、禁止輸出廢棄物種類及禁止事項、第一類及第二類事業廢棄物類別)。4.廢棄物輸出入財務擔保或責任保險額度研析:參酌國際法規如巴塞爾公約、OECD、歐盟及其會員國(英國及德國),我國現況法規、案例摘要、建議計算公式及金額粗估。(四)國內運作-資訊蒐集宣導1.蒐集摘譯巴塞爾公約國際新聞、報導及論文:今年共計發出120則新聞,其中含論文共10則,並就前述資訊中的特定議題及重要論文內容,進行研析。2.維護更新專屬中英文資訊網站:已建立網頁更新制度標準化,每次更新均依據此標準去執行更新維護網站,更新網站27次。3.辦理三場次法規說明會及報關行說明會。
EngTitle Management of Transboundary Movement of Solid Waste: under the framework of international practice a
EngAbstract The major achievement of this project can be classified into two parts: the international participation and the domestic implementation which conclude four aspects as follows.1. International Participation at the global level (1) Partnership for Action on Computing Equipment(PACE):Follow-up the conclusion of the industry round table for evaluation of attending the PACE, we’ve been participating it at our own expense. A summary of the PACE projects and about 20 times teleconferences were completed. (2) Participation in three waste related conference in Asia-Pacific region: Five experts from Taiwan attended the following meetings: the 6th expert meeting on solid waste management in Asia and pacific island(SWAPI), the Two-Coast Forum on Sustainable Solid Waste Management 2009 and the 4th International Conference on Waste Management. In addition, the 7th expert meeting on solid waste management in Asia and pacific island in Taipei in 2010 is planned. 2. Domestic Implementation of Transboundary movement(TBM)of Waste (1) We held two meetings with Basel Convention Expert Committee in 2009. In which, issues including the China TBM regulations, progress of PACE, the 6th SWAPI report, the analysis of the amount of the financial guarantee and responsibility insurance, domestic TBM lists and preparation of the 7th SWAPI were deliberated. (2) Our project has provided assistances to the Environmental Protection Administration(Taiwan EPA)in the implementation details of Chinese , Britain and European Union regulatory information as well as identifications for specific waste. 3. Providing legal advises on the regulations regarding TBM of waste (1) The Basel Convention and the TBM regulations in OECD, EU, UK and China have been collected and complied as reference materials for Taiwan EPA. (2)Assistance on the explanation and collection of the measures of the revision draft of the TBM related articles in the Waste Disposal Act which was sent to the Legislative Yuan on November 28, 2008. (3)According to the revision draft of the Waste Disposal Act and the international implementations, the draft domestic TBM lists were worked out. In which, issues including import and export prohibited items as well as the waste items of the 1st and 2nd categories of industrial waste were deliberated. (4)Referring to the international TBM regulations, domestic law, simplified case studies, the formula and the amount of the financial guarantee and responsibility insurance were suggested.4. Collecting and promoting Basel Convention related information (1)We have completed evaluation on 120 news, articles, reports and papers regarding to the Basel Convention, E-waste and TBM of waste. (2) Both Chinese and English Basel Convention information websites were updated for 27 times ( (3) Three TBM workshops respectively for customs brokers and domestic officials were held in 2009.
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 廢管處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人環境資源研究發展基金會