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Title 環境資訊互動網建置計畫
Abstract 本計畫之目的,係建立一完整資訊且便民、親民之「環境資訊互動網」,達成行政院安適e家園計畫之需求與期望,除了需滿足行政院提出之要求外,需要促進民眾與社群之參與,使環保教育達到全民化之目的。本計畫主要工作結合web 2.0的技術、分析環保署環境品質資料倉儲資料庫現況,並參考國外相關網站,規劃、設計、開發建置「環境資訊互動網」。主要系統功能包括:前後台權限管理、整合Ecolife綠色生活網帳號共同使用的會員機制,使用環境資料倉儲系統8個主題測項,可依時間、地區進行環境資訊查詢,建置參與討論及文章發佈積點獎勵機制、開闢環境e博士專欄、環境e教室之線上學習平台等功能。在網站內容經營上,極力邀請學者專家撰寫環保百科知識或環境時事評論文章,將環境詞彙上傳至維基詞典、研擬25項環保新聞議題做為推薦查詢範例,並於每季提出環境品質資料倉儲檢討,為環境資訊互動網內容專業優質化奠定基礎。待網站上線即開始經營使用者社群,主動連絡學校社團或環保團體,協商共同辦理實體推廣活動,落實環境資訊教育服務,推廣環境品質資料倉儲系統,讓民眾了解環境資訊之重要及與生活之關聯性。並透過舉辦網站開站活動、廣告Banner交換、刊登U-paper、關鍵字行銷等方式,進行網站推廣與行銷,增加網站曝光率與環境資訊查詢度。在推廣活動結束後,綜合實體推廣活動問卷與網路會員之使用行為,產出社群分析報告,了解民眾之使用需求,做為本站未來改善與前進的參考。
EngTitle Environment Information Interaction Website Establishment Project
EngAbstract The purpose of this project was to establish “Environment Information Interaction Website” that can provide complete information and convenience to the people as well as achieve the demand and expectation of e-home project proposed by the Executive Yuan, R. O. C. In addition to meeting the requirements proposed by the Executive Yuan, R. O. C., the public and group participations were needed to achieve the purpose of general people for environmental education.This project not only combined web 2.0 and analyzed the current situation of environment data warehouse database proposed by the Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan, R. O. C. (Taiwan), but also planned, designed and constructed “Environment Information Interaction Website” by referring to foreign websites. Main system functions included: authority administration, Ecolife account membership and eight subjects in environment data warehouse system, which can inquire environmental information according to the time and location to construct a reward mechanism for article discussion and publication and set up Dr. E column, e-class learning platform and so on.On the operation of website contents, we made great efforts to invite scholars and experts, not only writing knowledge or articles related to environment protection but also uploading environmental terminology to Wiki Dictionary, planning 25 issues on environmental news as suggestion example to inquire. In addition, environment data warehouse was quarterly proposed to review and give foundations for Environment Information Interaction Network.When a website started to run user groups, we voluntarily connected schools, associations or environment parties to perform entity promotion together, fulfill environment information education service and promote environment data warehouse system, so that the public can understand the importance of environment information and the connection of life.By hosting activity to run website, advertisement banner change, publishing U-paper and keyword marketing for website promotion and marketing, website exposure and environmental information inquiry can be enhanced.After the promotion activity finished, the questionnaire of entity promotion and the behavior of network member’s behavior were summarized to produce a group analysis report and understand the demand of the public for the reference of improving this website in the future.
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 監資處
ExecutingOrg 百商數位科技股份有限公司