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Title 全國河川巡守隊經營成效提升與e化管理推動計畫
Abstract 本 年 度 計 畫 執 行 主 要 為 針 對 各 縣 市 河 川 巡 守 隊 之 歷 年 執 行 成 效進行分析, 並就現階段組織管理、作業流程提出多面向之檢討與建議, 以作為環保署另案輔導計畫及各縣市政府巡守隊運作之推動參考。本計畫提出結合村里長加入巡守隊之作業, 以六力特性提出經營成效提升之各項綜合建議。以及配合署內整體EcoLife 平台進行系統開發, 並將巡守作業導入e 化管理以及資料整合應用, 藉以提升河川巡守效能, 並發展與民眾資訊互動之網絡關係。今年度開發完成在EcoLife 平台之「河川保育網」系統,系統功能包含照顧區、通報、巡檢、活動發起、列管事業資訊公布與串接河川水質監測資訊,並於系統完成後, 把原系統「全國河川巡守隊資訊網」資料彙整入新系統中供使用者查詢。而後辦理各縣市系統操作與宣導說明會,教導地方環保局與巡守隊員使用新系統進行作業以及署內推行之相關政策,並透過e 化管理之自動統計相關績效,節省地方輔導人力。於會議後蒐集相關意見提出河川巡守業務執行的建議事項。
EngTitle E-management Promotion and Operation Efficiency Upgrade of the River Watch Team Nationwide
EngAbstract The main focus of this plan was analyzing performance of riverconservation patrol teams in different counties and cities. It reviewedand revised the previous managements and processes, which providevaluable information for the EPA when executing other plans tomanage river conservation patrol teams. This plan also asked all village heads to join the force of river conservation patrol teams andimprove its management and performance from 6 different forces. Toincrease the performance of river conservation patrol teams and toincrease the information flow between citizens, this plan also built asystem that integrated with the “EcoLife website" , using electronicsystem to manage river conservation patrol teams and datamanagement. “ River Conservation" website was built this year,provide functions for public to “ adopt" areas to clean, to “ report"spots or polluters, to “ record" the status of environment, to“ organize" activities, it also provide information about businessesunder controls and water quality for different rivers. All data fromEnvironmental Water Quality Monitoring and Information System wasalso integrated into “ River Conservation" website for public tosearch for information. Training sessions for the using “ RiverConservation" system and passing ideas from the EPA were hold indifferent counties and cities, while showing them how electronicsystem safes their time and resources. Feedbacks from different riverconservation patrol teams were also collected after each session.
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 水保處
ExecutingOrg 環資國際有限公司