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Title 98年度環保設施品質查核督導委託專案工作計畫
Abstract 本計畫98年度主要執行項目,除了研擬98年度中央查核縣(市)政府執行環保設施工程施工品質等相關業務成效之作業流程、表單及後續追蹤外,在環保署所指定55場工程查核中,其中有45場每場須邀請2人、有10場每場須邀請3人具有環保設施工程專長之專家或學者(應為公共工程委員會「工程品質查核小組」成員或環保署推薦公共工程委員會查核委員並接受相關講習)至環保署所指定55場(包括查核、複查及複核等)施工中環保設施工程進行工程品質查核作業,並進行相關工程材料檢驗工作【混凝土抗壓強度(含鑽心取樣)10處、土方壓實度5處、混凝土氯離子含量檢測10處】。彙整前項查核結果,對施工中環保設施工程就工程主辦機關、技術服務廠商與承包商分級予以評鑑量化,並提供環保設施工程施工品質之規劃設計及制度檢討改善之建議(含環保署工程查核小組運作之作業流程、標準程序研擬以及環保設施工程查核缺失項目之修正擬定)。
EngTitle 98 Auditing Project of Construction Quality of the Environmental Protection Facilities.
EngAbstract The main objective of this project is to evaluate the construction quality of environment protection facility. Furthermore, two of the engineering technological experts were invited to evaluate the construction quality of 55 construction sites and administered the construction material testing, including compressive strength of concrete (core specimen) 10 places, relative compaction 5 places and chloride ion concentration of concrete 10 places .According to the results of evaluation, all of the sponsors, technological consultants and contractors were graded, and proposed the improvement in construction quality and operation management of sanitary landfill sites.
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 督察總隊
ExecutingOrg 國立中興大學