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Title 2009資源回收國際研討會及國際發展計畫
Abstract 本計畫為展現我國資源回收十餘年來的具體成果並行銷推廣我國獨創的資源回收制度,特分為以下三部分進行:(一)本年度邀請國內外專業人士與學者從經濟、環境及生態化設計等3E的觀點來探討如何化全球WEEE危機為台灣的轉機,資源回收國際研討會已於2009年10月20日至21日假國家圖書館國際會議廳舉辦,參與人數合計共423人次,現場反應熱烈,會議順利圓滿完成。從宣傳期到活動次日媒體報導共計平面媒體16則、電子媒體2個、廣播媒體1個及網路新聞與社群討論63則,媒體效益高達200萬以上;(二)為使社會各界及國際人士能瞭解台灣資源回收工作的努力與成果,分中文與英文兩種版本進行印製,年鑑內容呈現資源回收體系設計的獨特之處與歷年資源回收的成果,除了讓國人瞭解資源回收體系運作之演進外,並呈現資源回收工作的環境效益,以鼓勵全民共同投入,創造資源回收之新契機;(三)為行銷推廣我國資源回收成效與制度,本計畫已完成調查23個邦交國與15個非邦交國之國家基本資料與相關廢棄物政策與制度,依對象完成三種不同類型的資源回收政策制度行銷推廣方式,結合不同類型合作對象與長短期規劃策略,研擬各種國際行銷標準作業程序(SOP),包括菁英研習營、外賓參訪、參展與參加國際會議四種標準作業程序,並收集相關訓練教材及手冊,成為日後在國際相關資源回收交流活動的重要參考依據。本計畫為使未來的資源回收國際研討會更為完備,本團隊建議未來的國際研討會的目的、對象與宣傳標的能夠定位得更加明確,可利用研討會帶動展覽或資源回收獎項,營造web 2.0的活動模式,並藉由互訪機制加強雙方資源回收產業的交流及學習,最後建議本計畫期程可延長為二年,將可使國際研討會之籌備時間更加充裕。
EngTitle 2009 International Resource Recycling Conference and International Development Project
EngAbstract In order to highlight Taiwan’s concrete achievements in resource recycling for the past decade and promote our unique resource recycling system, there are three aspects of concern in this project: (1) This year we invite the domestic and international professional personage and scholar to discuss how to turn global WEEE crisis into the opportunity of Taiwan from the view of 3E (economy, environment and eco-design). The 2009 International Conference on Resource Recycling was held at the National Central Library International Conference Hall in October 20th-21st, 2009. It amounts to 423 people to participate in this conference. The conference responds enthusiastically and was finished satisfactorily. The relevant media report reaches 19, and the media benefit is up to more than 2 million dollars during this activity. (2) In order for the public and international stakeholders to understand the resource recycling efforts and achievements in Taiwan, 2008/09 Biennial Report was published in Chinese and English. The content of the annual presents the unique of our resource recycling system and achievement of resource recycling over the years. We hope to encourage the society as a whole to join this work together and create the new opportunity of resources recycling. (3) In order to market and promote our resource recycling achievements and system, we have finished investigating 23 diplomatic Allies and 15 non-diplomatic countries, including national basic information and relevant waste management policy and system. We design the standard operation procedure and collect some relevant teaching materials of different international marketing by long-term and short-term strategy, include workshop, inviting the foreign personage to visit Taiwan, participating the international exhibition and conference. We hope that these achievements will become bases of the international exchange activity of resource recycling in the future. In the cause of perfecting International Conference on Resource Recycling, we have the following suggestions: first, the propose and the subject of international conference can be more clearly. We can utilize the conference to drive the exhibition or resource recycling award to create the activity way of web 2.0. The mechanism of exchanging visits can strengthen the study and communication of resource recycling industries of both sides. Finally, we propose lengthening this project period as two years; it can make preparatory time of international conference abundant.
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 基管會
ExecutingOrg 毅泰管理顧問股份有限公司