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Title 推動建置整合性環保複式動員系統規劃督導計畫-臺南市
Abstract 本計畫自民國98年2月起全程共6個月,主要執行工作項目為宣導整潔美化、節能減碳的重要性,宣傳並輔導民眾使用環保署所推出的「清淨家園顧厝邊綠色生活 (Ecolife)網」,使之全民化。透過EcoLife網站及複式動員系統將台灣整潔環境提升與日本、瑞士看齊。 同時本計畫輔導、宣導環保署所聘用的台南市36位整潔美化助理員。教導他們EcoLife網站的操作並且於每月進行考核督導他們確實完成規定的工作。 本計畫於台南市完成了共39場的村里宣導說明會,並針對整潔美化助理員辦理了1教育訓練及1場的回訓。此外也與台南市環保局合作辦理多場環境保護相關活動,使得環保署「清淨家園顧厝邊綠色生活 (Ecolife)網」曝光率、使用率大幅提高,至今(98年8月11號)台南市已有超過6萬9千個部落格。
EngTitle Promote the integration of environmental protection to build multiple-mobilization planning system supervision project - Tainan city
EngAbstract This is a 6 month project starting from February, 2009. The main objectives of this plan were to promote the importance of creating a clean environment, energy saving, and reduction of carbon dioxide emission. It also included propaganda of EcoLife website launched by the Environmental Protection Administration, provide guidance to customer on how to use EcoLife website, make it popular and wildly use. By doing so, we hope to upgrade Taiwan’s environment to the same level as Japan and Switzerland. This plan also included guiding 36 Environmental Supporter hired by Environmental Protection Administration, training them on how to use Ecolife. Assessment administration were performed will be held each month to make sure their jobs were carried out properly. There were a total of 39 speeches given across the whole Tainan city, and 2 classes specifically designed for the Environmental Supporters. Several events were also held with support from the Environmental Protection Bureau in Tainan city. Through all these speeches, events, and propaganda, up until now, there have been more than 69 thousand blogs registered and currently in use.
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 毒管處
ExecutingOrg 中華民國環境教育學會