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Title 推動建置整合性環保複式動員系統規劃督導計畫-臺北市
Abstract 「推動建置整合性環保複式動員系統規劃督導」專案計畫(以下簡稱本計畫),為輔導培訓環保e化網路協助作業人員,並透過環保e化網站,有效輔導參與民眾及公私部門團體登入其執行成果與績效資訊,建立複式協查查報作業及督導管理機制,供考核地方政府執行成效及決策分析用,以達整合公私部門複式動員、提昇生活環境品質之目標。本計畫在執行成果部分,完成參加環保署辦理之種子教師訓練講習會、研訂本計畫工作人員標準作業手冊、研訂整潔美化助理員作業規範、辦理整合性環保複式動員系統相關作業、培訓整潔美化助理員暨種子教師講習會(目標:2場次59人,實際:3場次73人)、辦理Eco Life、節能減碳及環境整潔宣導說明會(目標:75場次2,245人,實際:88場次2,716人)共六項工作。本報告亦提出執行計畫之結論及建議,供未來執行相關計畫之參考。
EngTitle The planning and supervising of the establishment of integrated environmental protection and multiple mobilization system-Taipei City
EngAbstract The project of “the planning and supervising the establishment of integrated environmental protection and multiple mobilization system”(hereinafter referred to as the project)involved training of operating personnel of environmental protection and e-network, assisting individuals as well as public and private organizations in recording outcomes and performance by logging into the “Eco Life” webpage, establishing composite checking system and supervising management, reviewing the performance of local authority and providing information for decision-making etc. Consequently, the goals of integrating composite manpower mobilization of public and private sectors were achieved and the quality of living environment was promoted. The achievement of the project included the following: 1) participating training session held by EPA, 2) formulating standard operation manuals for the project staff, 3) drafting operation guides for cleaning and landscaping assistants, 4) handling the related work of environmental protection and composite manpower mobilization, 5) training cleaning and landscaping assistants and seed teachers by holding seminars (target: 59 participants to 2 sessions, Actual: 73 participants to 3 sessions), and 6) handling propaganda events for Eco Life, energy conservation, carbon reduction, and environmental cleanliness (target: 2,245 participants to 75 sessions, Actual: 2,716 participants to 88 sessions). The project also provided conclusions and suggestions for future relevant projects.
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 毒管處
ExecutingOrg 社團法人台灣環境管理協會