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Title 空氣品質模式技術及對策支援計畫
Abstract 一、緣起依據空氣污染防制法,第六條第二項及第三項規定:二級及三級防制區內,新增或變更之固定污染源污染物排放量達一定規模者,其污染物排放量須經模式模擬證明不超過污染物容許增量限值;以及第八條第二項亦規定:符合空氣品質標準之總量管制區,新設或變更之固定污染源污染物排放量達一定規模者,須經模式模擬證明不超過該區之污染物容許增量限值等規定。空氣品質模式的發展與應用,須包括不同專業領域的科技知識與資訊、相互整合與交互支援才能達成其任務。空氣品質模式相關資料分散在各學術與技術顧問機構中,造成資源分散、重複建置、品質不一及資訊屏障等缺點。「空氣品質模式支援中心」實質上屬於決策技術支援的定位性質,以橫向整合產官學相關的人力人才與數據資源。本年度完成之各項工作及相關成果依據計畫目標順序分別敘述於後:二、本年度計畫目標(一) 配合推動空氣品質模式申請認可及協助模式認可審查作業(二) 協助縣市環保局辦理模式模擬技術審查與技術諮詢(三) 辦理容許增量限值模式模擬所需相關資料更新與公告 (四) 評估空氣品質模式相關法規對空氣品質改善之有效性(五) 空氣品質模式支援網站維護管理及諮詢服務(六) 運用空氣品質模式協助進行新興計畫之空氣品質影響評估(七) 美國AERMOD模式系統在國內應用的可行性評估三、執行結果本計畫各項工作結果依據計畫目標順序分別敘述於後。(一) 配合推動空氣品質模式申請認可及協助模式認可審查作業(1) 模式認可申請所需之文件及資料庫已大致建置完成,並由主管機關完成發佈作業,部份資料項目在本年度亦完成更新,並持續進行資料之維護更新及執行成效檢討,相關資料經由網路系統提供模式使用者下載。(2) 協助環保署針對環境影響評估案件中關於空氣品質模式使用方面之技術審查,至98年12月底已協助提供51個環評案之建議。(二) 協助縣市環保局辦理模式模擬技術審查與技術諮詢(1) 調閱2006~2007年地方或代核許可(工業局、科管局)等機構之原始資料,了解目前「容許增量限值」制度的執行狀況,並提出改進建議。本年度篩選59件的申請個案,有54件有完整的資料回覆,其中有4件同一廠商,併成一件審查。因此,實際進行審查的案例共計51件。(2) 分別於98年11月19日、11月17日、11月13日依序完成北區、中區及南區三場次之空氣品質模式研習會。參加人員包括各縣市環保局、環境工程顧問公司相關執行人員及學術單位人員,總受訓人數達78人。 (三) 辦理容許增量限值模式模擬所需相關資料更新與公告 (1) 經主成分分析後,所挑出的污染案例日包含2/8-2/17、4/10-4/19、4/30-5/4、5/7-5/11、9/12-9/16、10/22-10/26、12/11-12/15。運用本研究團隊研發之高斯軌跡傳遞係數模式模擬O3及PM10污染案例日之污染源軌跡線。挑選出台灣各個地區的發電廠作為順軌跡模擬之汙染源,模擬台灣陸地地區所受到的汙染範圍,而逆軌跡模擬則以台灣七個空品區的環保署測站作為受體點,模擬其到達軌跡。經過分析與討論後﹐對各空品區之O3與PM10各建議二個污染案例日。(2) 完成2007年2、4、5、9、10、12等6個月NCEP/AVN全球網格氣象資料庫之蒐集﹐及氣象模式模擬,並已提供空氣品質模式進行初始場之建置。另外﹐也完成2007年公告案例日之天氣分析與模擬評估。 (四) 評估空氣品質模式相關法規對空氣品質改善之有效性(1) 美國與台灣於空氣污染物模式模擬及容許增量限值相關法規基本架構大致相同,皆包含適用規模、模式選用、模式輸入資料原則、模式參數設定原則及容許增量限值。(2) 針對現行空氣品質模式模擬相關法規疑義,徵詢專家學者、環保單位及顧問公司意見並辦理座談會,以具實務經驗及相關承辦人員針對法規疑義提供意見,提出法規修正建議。建議修正法規包括:「直轄市、縣(市)各級空氣污染防制區」、「空氣污染物容許增量限值」及「空氣品質模式模擬規範」。(3) 已完成現行「排放量規模」之合理性分析:若僅考慮法規規範值可涵蓋管制之污染源比例,建議以NO2目前「排放量規模」40公噸/年對應之納管排放量比例85%為管制基準線,則TSP「排放量規模」應從15公噸/年調整為3.5公噸/年;SO2「排放量規模」應從60公噸/年調整為15公噸/年;而NMHC「排放量規模」應從30公噸/年調整為10公噸/年。(4) 現行「容許增量限值」之合理性分析:若僅考慮法規規範值可涵蓋管制之污染源比例,建議以目前三級防制區NO2小時平均「容許增量限值」8 ppb之納管比例75 %為管制基準線,則NO2年平均「容許增量限值」應從2 ppb調整為0.3 ppb;TSP之24小時值「容許增量限值」應從63 g/m3調整為3.0 g/m3;SO2年平均「容許增量限值」應從1 ppb調整為0.2 ppb,日平均應從3 ppb調整為1.2 ppb,小時平均應從8 ppb調整為5 ppb;並增訂PM10年平均「容許增量限值」為0.5 g/m3、小時平均為2.0 g/m3。(五) 空氣品質模式支援網站維護管理及諮詢服務(1) 空氣品質模式網站除提供靜態文件供閱讀與下載外,亦提供空氣品質模式相關問題的諮詢與討論。另外提供線上資料查詢功能與整合性的資源服務。提供地方政府與顧問公司從業人員獲得充份的資料檔與技術的支援。本年度的主要工作是將網站進行全面更新,同時維護更新網站功能。 (六) 運用空氣品質模式協助進行新興計畫之空氣品質影響評估(1) 完成「環境影響評估開發案空氣污染物增量抵換審查規範(草案)」研擬。(2) 收集並訂定台灣地區以及中部空品區之PSI>100之比例及臭氧指標污染物之比例。並以2007基準年之排放與氣象資料,分四個情境完成以空氣品質模式模擬分析中部空品區在目標年2011年和2016年污染源(NOx、VOCs)之允許排放量。(3) 已完成2007年5月7至11日及4月30日至5月4日二個案例日彰濱工業區排放量之影響分析。 (七) 美國AERMOD模式系統在國內應用的可行性評估 (1) 目前完成的工作包括:檢討AERMOD及相關輔助程式在國內應用時,是否有足夠的資料支援程式的運算、修改AERMET氣象前處理程式使之可用於國內環境、檢討高斯模式使用規範與AERMOD模式相容性,同時建立了AERMAP的替代程式、完成AERMOD在國內第一次複雜地形的演算,已較工作範疇獲致更多之成效。
EngTitle A supporting to air quality modeling and control strategy
EngAbstract 1. IntroductionAccording to Article 6, Paragraphs 2 and 3 of the Air Pollution Control Act, those newly added or modified stationary pollution sources within Class 2 and Class 3 of air pollution prevention regions in which air pollutant emissions quantities reach a certain regulatory scale is required to perform modeling and simulation for their pollutant emissions quantities in order to verify that these quantities will not exceed allowable increment limits of air pollutant concentrations. As Article 8, Paragraph 2 stands, within a total quantity control zone that meets air quality standards, those newly installed or modified stationary pollution sources for which pollutant emissions quantities reach a certain scale is required to perform modeling and simulation for their pollutant emissions quantities in order to verify that these quantities will not exceed allowable increment limits within the zone. The scientific and technical knowledge and information that the development and application of air quality models need to accomplish their missions spread in all kinds of academic and advisory organizations, which result into the decentralization of resources, duplicate constructions, various qualities, and barriers of information. Taiwan Air Quality Modeling Center (TAQMC) actually is a policy and technique supporting organization with a combination of experts and data resources in the industry, the government and the academics. The tasks accomplished and relative productions are shown as follows according to the sequence of objectives for this year in the project plan.2. Objectives for this year in the project plan(1) Cooperate in the application and examination of air quality models to be approved.(2) Assist the Environmental Protection Bureaus (EPB) of counties and cities in technical examinations and consultations of air quality modeling.(3) Update and pronounce the relative data for the simulations of allowable increment limits of air pollution concentrations.(4) Assess the benefits of air quality modeling related laws on the air quality improvement(5) Maintain and update the TAQMC website and consultation service(6) Evaluate the influence of new development programs on air quality using air quality models(7) Analyze the feasibility of the application of the AERMOD model system in Taiwan3. Execution resultsThe tasks accomplished in this project are shown as follows according to the sequence of objectives in the plan.(1) Cooperate in the application and examination of air quality models to be approved(a) The required documents and database for the application of models to be approved were approximately established, and published by the governing organization. Some database were updated this year and continuously maintained and examined. These data can be downloaded from the website.(b) Until the end of December, 2009, EPA was assisted to review 51 environment impact assessment cases concerning air quality modeling. (2) Assist the EPB of counties and cities in the technical examinations and consultations of air quality modeling(a) The raw data during 2006-2007 in local governments, industrial bureau, and scientific industry park management bureau were reviewed to find out the implementation status of “allowable increment limits” strategy and give suggestions for amelioration. This year 59 cases were selected, among which 54 cases provided complete data and 4 cases from the same company were combined into one case. Therefore altogether 51 cases were reviewed.(b) This project conducted three air quality model workshops: in the north region on November 19, in the central region on November 17, and in the south region on November 13. The total 78 participants include the executors in EPB of local governments, environmental engineering in advisory companies, and the academic researchers. (3) Update and pronounce the relative data for the simulations regarding allowable increment limits (a) With primary principle analysis, seven episodes were selected, including 2/8-2/17、4/10-4/19、4/30-5/4、5/7-5/11、9/12-9/16、10/22-10/26、12/11-12/15. The trajectories of O3 and PM10 emission sources were simulated using Gaussian Trajectory transfer-coefficient modeling system (GTx). Some power plants in Taiwan were selected as the emission sources of forward trajectory modeling to show the pollution area. The monitoring stations of EPA in seven air basins were selected as receptors in backward trajectory modeling. Some episodes for O3 and PM10 were suggested as official cases in priority sequence after analysis and discussion.(b) NCEP/AVN global meteorological grid database of the six months in 2007 were established; besides, the meteorological fields were simulated for February, April, May, September, October, and December in 2007, as the initial conditions for air quality modeling. Moreover, the simulated meteorological parameters in all the selected episodes in 2007 were analyzed and evaluated with the observations. (4) Assess the benefits of air quality modeling related laws on the air quality improvement.(a) The basic structures of the laws related to air pollutant modeling and allowable increment limits in Taiwan are generally similar with those in the USA, including applicable areas, principles for input data to models, principles for the parameters in models and allowable increment limits.(b) In reference to the questions on the air quality simulation related laws, our project consulted experts, researchers, environmental agencies, and advisory companies, and held forums to collect the opinions and suggestions on the laws. The rules of laws that should be modified include “air pollution prevention regions in municipalities, counties, and cities”, “Allowable increment limits of air pollutant concentrations” and “Simulation guidance for air quality models”.(c) Based on the 85% control ratio of total emission quantity for NO2 corresponding to an regulatory emission scale of 40 ton/year, it is suggested that the regulatory emission scale of TSP should be adjusted from 15 to 3.5 ton/year, and that of SO2 from 60 to 15 ton/year, and that of NMHC from 30 to 10 ton/year.(d) Based on the 75% control ratio of total emission quantity for the hourly average NO2 with the allowable increment limit as 8 ppb in the third restriction area, it is suggested that the allowable increment limit of yearly average NO2 should be adjusted from 2 to 0.3 ppb, and that of daily average TSP from 63 to 3.0 g/m3, and that of yearly average SO2 from 1 to 0.2 ppb, and that of daily average SO2 from 3 to 1.2 ppb, and that of hourly average SO2 from 8 to 5 ppb. Also, the allowable increment limit of PM10 should be added with the yearly average number as 0.5 g/m3 and hourly average number as 2.0 g/m3. (5) Maintain and update the website of TAQMC and consultation service(a) The TAQMC website provides not only the documents to read and download, but also advisory and discussion of questions on air quality models. Meanwhile, online data search and incorporate sources are also available. It provides adequate data and technical support for the local government and the staff in advisory companies. The main task this year is to update the website and maintain the functions.(6) Evaluate the influence of new development programs on air quality by air quality models(a) Our project accomplished the “Review guidelines on the offset of incremental air pollutant emissions in environmental impact assessment of new development program (draft version)”.(b) The ratio of PSI > 100 in Taiwan and central air basin were collected and ozone indicators were calculated. With the emission inventory and meteorological data in 2007, four scenarios in the central air basin in 2011 and 2016 were simulated to calculate the allowable emission capabilities of NOx and VOCs.(c) The environmental impact of Changpin Industrial Park was analyzed in two episodes during May 7-11 and from April 30 to May 4 in 2007.(7) Analyze the feasibility of the application of AERMOD model system in Taiwan(a) Our project inspected whether or not there is enough data to support the utilization of AERMOD and relative preprocessing sub-models in Taiwan, modified the codes before the meteorological simulations of AERMET to use in Taiwan, examined the compatibility of guidelines on Gaussian model and AERMOD, and wrote the substitute codes for AERMAP, as well as the first complicate terrain calculation in Taiwan.
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 雲林科技大學