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Title 98年度「97-98年事業廢棄物清理管制-管制中心整體管理資訊系統功能提升、整合及決策支援專案工作計畫案」
Abstract 本計畫分為四大重點包括:1.檢討研擬現行法規及相關管理措施。2.各類廢棄物統計資料之需求整合。3.創新技術應用。4.系統功能提昇及維護。檢討研擬現行法規及相關管理措施部分,本計畫今年度共協助完成「應檢具事業廢棄物清理計畫書之事業」及「應以網路傳輸方式申報廢棄物之產出、貯存、清除、處理、再利用、輸出及輸入情形之事業」二公告之修訂草案;「以網路傳輸方式申報廢棄物之產出、貯存、清除、處理、再利用、輸出及輸入情形之申報格式、項目、內容及頻率」檢討;乾電池與違法輸出廢棄物之流向管理機制及5項許可項目電子化功能規劃。各類廢棄物統計資料之需求整合部分,完成包括事業廢棄物管制系統架構檢討,區分為一般民眾、作業階層、管理階層與決策階層四大層級架構,同時彙整共53項統計表報產出資訊,並依各項統計表報之屬性調整其相關欄位增修及關聯定義;另亦針對OLAP進行功能提昇及改版作業,主要以簡化其操作流程及新增多種不同維度為目的,使更符合管理需求。創新技術應用部分,除結合廢棄物各類申報資訊,完成空間地理資訊系統雛型建置外,並進行網路電話試導入作業及規劃電話語音簡易申報方式,提供業者多元化的諮詢管道及申報方式。系統功能提昇及維護部分,除定期執行系統維護作業外,亦完成與EMS系統進行6大功能整合及2項許可資料整併、與空保處及水保處二單位進行系統介接、新增2項e管家服務功能及配合管理政策執行5大項臨時需求。
EngTitle Controlling of Industrial Waste Disposal and Treatment in Year 2008 and 2009-Upgrade, Integration, and Policy Support for Overall Information System Management in Industrial Waste Control Center
EngAbstract The project was divided into the emphasis on four main subjects: (1) The review of existing regulations and the relevant management measures, (2) Integration of statistical information of each waste, (3) The application with innovative technologies, and (4) System function upgrade and maintenance. In aspects with the review of existing regulations and the relevant management measures, this year the project has cooperated to complete two announced draft amendments, "Enterprises that should submit an industrial waste disposal plan for review" and "Enterprises that shall report the production, storage, clearance and disposal, reuse, export, import, or cross-boundary transport or transshipment of waste via online transmission"; and reviewed "the submission format, items, content and frequency for the reporting of the production, storage, clearance and disposal, reuse, export, import, or cross-boundary transport or transshipment of waste via online transmission"; also, finished in the planning for dry batteries and illegal waste output flow control mechanism, and the planning of 5 electronic permits.In regards to integration of statistical information of each waste, completions include the framework review for the Industrial Waste Control Center Reporting System, which is divided into a 4-level framework: the general population, operating level, the management level and the decision-making level; also 53 statistical information reports of the industries were compiled, which has adjusted/added relevant columns and defined correlations according to their characteristics; furthermore, the OLAP functions were upgraded and the edition was revised. This is to mainly simplify the operating process and add different dimensions as purpose, which may even better meet with management needs.For the application with innovative technologies, not only did the project combined the various wastes registration information and completed the Geography Information System prototype, but also introduced internet calling and the planning with a simple and convenient registration through voice phone. This provides vendors multiple consolation channels and registration methods.In system function upgrade and maintenance, besides regular scheduled system maintenance, the project has also completed integration with the EMS system in 6 major functions and the merging of 2 authorized information items, has finished system connections with the Department of Air Quality Protection and noise control and the Department of Water Quality Protection, and added two E-management services and five main provisional demands to coordination with management policy implementation.
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 廢管處
ExecutingOrg 環資國際有限公司