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Title 98年度區域性地下水井維護及資料更新計畫
Abstract 本計畫主要目標係為延續民國93~97年之地下水監測井評估維護之工作,持續維護區域性地下水監測井,以維持監測井最佳狀態;另一方面同時驗證監測井基本資料以健全區域性地下水監測井網工作。本計畫依據民國97年9月至98年3月北中南三區監測井巡查維護紀錄,依「井深異常」、「回水緩慢」、「明顯混濁物」、「抽出水色異常」、「滯留水臭味」等5項原則篩選出35口監測井進行井況評估。茲將各項工作成果說明如下:一、定期維護區域性地下水監測井,維持監測井況正常1.完成36口監測井之井下攝影與微水試驗等井況評估工作。除原35口井況評估外,苗栗縣後龍海濱遊憩區三區巡察回報遭傾倒油漆,依環保署指示直接納入井況評估名單,故實際共執行36口井況評估工作。2.完成31口再次完井工作,包含施作微水試驗及進行井下攝影。包括監測井井況異常(依據97年9月至98年3月環保署三區地下井維護資料篩選)計有25口,監測井異常頻率頻繁計有3口,設井後從未進行井況評估計有3口。3.完成35口監測井之流速流向測定,以作為監測井背景資訊。4.完成31口監測井地下水採樣及水質檢測分析。另以Stiff、Pipper以及各種水質指數分析水質趨勢。另加入PHREEQC計算地下水中飽和狀況及可能形成之礦物組成。5.完成3口地下水即時採樣,進一步了解監測井水質與周遭含水層水質情形。二、建立區域性地下水監測井基本資料庫,完成基本資料驗證更新,分析環境變化1.完成45口監測井高程驗證,原監測井資料卡之高程,與本計畫引用一等水準點所進行測量之高程差距於-11.98公尺至3.56公尺間,誤差超過10公尺共計有1口。2.完成35口井篩驗證工作,本計畫以井下攝影進行井篩驗證工作,共計有台北市玉成國小等14口監測井井篩長度與資料卡資料差異資料較大外,其餘監測井井篩長度與資料卡上大致符合。3.完成35口監測井之環境資料變化。本計畫依據歷年水位及基本資料卡紀錄之井篩位置分析前述35口監測井之環境資料變化,共計有7口歷年水位階位於井篩區間內,共計有16口歷年水位超過井篩上緣或下緣段,共計12口監測井歷年水位皆高於井篩區間。4.建置區域性地下水監測井基本資料庫網頁,本計畫依據前案93~97年及本(98)年執行成果,建置區域性地下水監測井基本資料庫網頁,後續依環保署所規劃土壤及地下水管理系統整併作業期程開放,以供民眾查詢。5.於澎湖縣港子國小設置地下水保育之教育看板,並與全體教師座談,同時將邀請教育部及地方環保區與會,強化我國環境教育中之地下水保育觀念。三、強化地下水監測井體設施,更新地表設備環境1.完成更新48口告示牌。2.完成高雄市中正國小等3口監測井異物排除作業。3.完成苗栗縣尖山國小等2口隱藏式基座改善。4.完成新竹市千甲里活動中心等5口防水井頂蓋施工5.完成台中縣大雅國小、神岡國中、后里鄉立托兒所太平聯合分所及高雄縣月美國小等4口監測井新設作業。
EngTitle Project of Maintenance and Information Correction of the Regional Groundwater Monitoring Wells
EngAbstract The objective of this project is to maintain the function of the Regional Groundwater Monitoring Wells (RGMWs) continously and to keep the best condition of the RGMWs, which based on the experience of the previous projects of 2004 to 2008. On the other hand, the basic well information is corrected in order to establish the integrity of the network of the RGMWs. According to the maintenance records of the well inspected from 9/2008 to 3/2009, the 35 wells are screened to proceed the evaluation of well condition in this project by the 5 principles of the “unusual well depth”, “groundwater recovery slowly”, “obvious turbidity in well”, “unusual color of groundwater”, and “the odor of water in well”. The project results of the major tasks are described as below: 1. Providing periodical cleaning to the RGMWs(1)The 36 wells were completed to evaluate well condition within down-hole video inspection and slug test. Among that, the well located in Houlong Seashore Recreation Park, Miaoli County, was poured paint based on the inspected report. Thus, it was directly taken into the list of well development besides the original 35 wells according to the directive of the EPA. So that all 36 wells were executed well condition evaluated.(2)The 31 wells redeveloped were completed and executed the slug test and down-hole video. All 31 wells involved 25 wells of condition unusual, screened from EPA wells maintenance information reports from 9/2008 to 3/2009, 3 wells of unusual condition occurred frequently, and 3 wells of never implement well condition evaluated since they were installed.(3)The 35 wells borehole flow velocity and directions were measured and provided monitoring well background information.(4)The groundwater sampling and water quality measurement of the 31 wells were completed. Meantime, the trend of the water quality by the Stiff and Pipper figures and variable aqueous indices were done. Also, PHREEQC program was measured the groundwater saturated condition and possible minerals formatted.(5)The 3 wells of groundwater real time sampling were completed. Therefore, to understand the quality condition of groundwater in well and aquifer groundwater surround well.2. Verification and correction of the basic well information(1)The altitude of the selected 45 wells was examined. Generally, the altitude recorded in the basic well information showed significant error (-11.98m ~ +3.56m) and all were corrected. One of all examined wells altitude error exceeded 10 m.(2)The screen depth and length of the selected 35 wells were examined by the down-hole video. Among that, 14 wells were error in screen depth and length involving Yu-Cheng elementary school, Taipei City. Others were as same as the basic well information records.(3)The variants of environmental data of the 35 wells were analyzed. Among that, the water table of the 7 wells was located the screen depth in the history. Others 16 wells were above the screen up or below the screen bottom. The historical water table of 12 wells was always above the screen up.(4)The homepage of the basic information of the RGMWs was established according to the implemental results of previous projects from 2004 to 2008 and to date. Follow up the schedule of soil and groundwater management system by EPA, it will open to search for people.(5)The educated board for groundwater protection installed in Gang-Zi elementary school, Peng-Hu County. Also, teachers, MOE and local EPB were invited to join discussion in order to enforce the concept of groundwater protection in environment education.3. Renew the equipments of the well(1)To renew the 48 wells of the bulletin board.(2)To complete the objects removal from the 3 wells located in Chung-Cheng elementary school, Kaohsiung City and so on.(3)To improve the 2 unapparent wells structures located in Jian-Shan elementary school, Miaoli County and so on.(4)To construct the 6 wells water-repellent cover located in Qian-Jia Activity Center, Hisn-Chu City and so on.(5)To set up 4 new wells in Da-Ya elementary school, Shen-Gang junior high school, Tai-Ping Union Nursery school, How-Li Township, Taichung County and Yue-Mei elementary school, Kaohsiung County.
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 土污基管會
ExecutingOrg 中興工程顧問股份有限公司