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Title 事業廢棄物清理管理及再利用查核輔導專案工作計畫
Abstract 本計畫主要工作重點為執行400家事業、廢棄物再利用機構之查核輔導作業,本年度主要工作成果摘要說明如下:(一) 完成執行400家事業、廢棄物再利用機構或其他廢棄物產生源之營運管理與廢棄物流向追蹤,並進行事業廢棄物管理相關法規、妥善清理與資源化技術、申報實務等宣導及輔導工作。(二) 完成檢討分析現行事業廢棄物流向追蹤管理工具及相關法規制度,研提事業廢棄物申報管制策略修正建議。(三) 完成調查70家再利用機構產品流向用途與市場價值,就現行可再利用事業廢棄物之種類、再利用方式或產品用途為分類原則,進行成本效益評析,並研提相關管理制度改善建議。(四) 完成檢討廢棄物清理法涉及事業廢棄物管制相關法規、稽查作業及行政處分等效果,提供改善稽查處分問題,以提昇事業廢棄物管制成效。(五) 依本計畫查核輔導工作成果,建立事業或廢棄物再利用機構製程廢棄物種類特性、產出關聯性分析與因子推估,編纂行業或製程稽查技術參考手冊。
EngTitle Surveillance and Consultation Project for the Reuse and Disposal of Industrial Waste
EngAbstract This project aimed to inspect and verify the waste flow records of 400 enterprises. The achievements of this project in this year are as below: 1. To trace the waste flow records and working for enterprises, recycling agencies or other waste source and to prepare inspection guidance on the operational management. To promote and provide guidance with regard to the related laws and regulations, proper clearance technologies and declaration practice of industrial waste management. 2. Investigating the present enactment and flow direction about industrial waste, and providing recommendation and amendment of management regulations. 3. To analyze the flow records of recyclable products, market value and its cost-benefit analysis for 70 waste reuse organizations that basic on the kind of industrial waste, reuse way or purpose of product. And provide management regulations. 4. Review the effect of Waste Disposal Rules that involve with industrial waste control, investigation work and administrative penalties. Promote the control effects of industrial waste and improve the disciplinary problem.5. In accordance with the results of inspection and guidances, to carry out the following works: z Formulation of waste characteristics for various industries and process. z Analysis of interrelation between waste input and output. z Estimation of influence factors of waste output. z Preparation of inspection manuals on processes and technologies of various industries..
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 廢管處
ExecutingOrg 中興工程顧問股份有限公司