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Title 98年度光化學評估監測站操作品保例行性計畫
Abstract 本計畫主要工作目標包括執行光化學評估監測站(Photochemical Assessment Monitoring Stations, PAMS)儀器品保查核,確保儀器功能正常、建立數據品保標準作業流程,提升數據處理效率及分析監測數據,建立區域污染特徵。本年度執行成果在儀器品保除完成品保查核作業手冊制定,同時依手冊規範完成各項查核,現場查核缺失以表單記錄未落實或維護人員未簽名為主,各項缺失均已改善完成;數據品質查核除小港站98年1月數據妥善率未達85%品保要求外,其餘均符合品保規範;系統查核各站正戊烷及甲苯相對差異百分比全數符合品保規範10%;系統及績效查核除發現萬華、土城及小港站歷年至98年6月間,對二甲苯濃度錯誤(本計畫已全數修正),另發現乙烯疑似有穿透及乙炔氣體衰減嚴重現象;各測站甲苯物種濃度均較高,實驗室與測站平行比對發現此物種分析偏差較小;連續式溫度監控結果顯示各測站溫度穩定。本計畫亦完成兩場次人員教育訓練,說明光化測站運轉模式、數據處理流程及現場實作解說,使與會人員對光化測站有更深層認知。
EngTitle Quality Assurance and Data Validation on Ozone precursor Monitoring from Photochemical Assessment Mo
EngAbstract The main objectives of this program included implementing the quality assurance audits of analytical systems, ensuring that instruments were functioning properly, establishing standard operating procedures for data quality assurance, streamlining data processing, analyzing the collected data, and characterizing the local pollutant profile for Photochemical Assessment Monitoring Stations (PAMS).A quality assurance auditing manual was established and all the field audits were carried out accordingly. The incidents of nonconformance mostly consisted of incomplete records or missing inspectors’ signatures; corrective actions have already been performed. The data quality audits in each PAMS met the quality assurance criteria (85%) except for Shiau Gang PAMS in Jan. 2009. Analytical system audits showed that the standard deviations for n-Pentane and Toluene at all PAMS met the quality assurance criteria (10%). Data audits and performance evaluation showed the m,p-Xylene concentrations in Wan Hua, Tu Cheng and Shiau Gang PAMS were incorrect from the establishment of each of these three PAMS through Jun. 2009. All incorrect m,p-Xylene concentrations have already been corrected in the course of this project. In addition, a breakthrough effect of Ethylene and decay of Acetylene in the standard gas mixture were also observed. All PAMS indicated that Toluene had the highest concentration of the target analytes. Parallel studies between the laboratory and the PAMS showed that the relative percent deviation for Toluene was small. The continuous temperature monitoring also indicated that the temperature of each PAMS was stable. Two training sessions were conducted to provide an introduction to the theory and operation of PAMS as well as data analysis procedures, and a site visit accompanied by a detailed explanation of the analytical system to give the participants a thorough understanding of PAMS.
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 監資處
ExecutingOrg 中環科技事業股份有限公司