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Title 98年度環保創新科技研發計畫-含重金屬布袋蓮資源化之處理技術開發
Abstract 本計畫以「含重金屬布袋蓮資源化之處理技術開發」為主要目標,含重金屬之布袋蓮從資訊收集與採樣,經破碎前處理的設備與技術,應用其破碎與混合均勻(0.5公斤/分鐘,粒徑可達0.5mm,35Mesh過篩率95%以上)之特性,提供後續資源化程序的運用,以「重金屬的生物溶出技術」及「厭氧醱酵程序」(包括:堆肥化、厭氧醱酵或是乾式快速醱酵)兩大關鍵技術,將布袋蓮以高效率及安全性的考量下,建立完整處理機制以達到有機廢棄物的減量化、資源化及回收再利用;然而,布袋蓮屬於富纖維素難分解的有機固體物且有良好的吸附重金屬的能力,本團隊致力藉由破碎設備應用與高效率的重金屬溶出與醱酵程序的處理運作機制的探究,初步已採用高雄縣境內含有重金屬的布袋蓮進行高效率的破碎設備的預處理,增加後續處理程序的基質利用率,接序進入重金屬之生物溶出程序,再利用之生物溶出技術,將重金屬於系統中予以分離回收再利用,確保有機廢棄物是無或低濃度重金屬的危害性之後【布袋蓮中重金屬之溶出:固體物濃度及硫添加量之最佳操作值分別為 1-3% 及 0.05-0.2% 間,布袋蓮中銅、鋅、鎳及鉻分別有 20%、20%、50% 及 40% 以上之溶出效率(可達安全性標準,其中布袋蓮中重金屬之溶出效率以為鎳為最高,鉻及銅次之,鋅則最差。);SS及VSS降解率則分別會超過 60% 及 80%。】;再次進行如有機固體廢棄物的堆肥化、厭氧醱酵或是乾式醱酵的處理方式,在厭氧醱酵實驗,以基質濃度10%(8克)時,需較長時間30天(30~60天)才有明顯產氫的現象,總累積產氫量為150mlH2(約90天);再以酸前處理(5%HCl)與反應溫度50℃操作下,可縮短遲滯期至10天即有產氫現象發生;對於生物性溶出後之布袋蓮搭配輔助基質糖蜜可以縮短遲滯期(約0.25天),皆可有效增加生物性利用的速率;另外回收更多有效及有益的能資源,包括:布袋蓮經過生物性溶出之出流物搭配輔助基質糖蜜以全因子實驗設計進行試驗,「布袋蓮經生物性溶出後之出流物」取20~25g,且「輔助基質糖蜜」加入1~2g時,可得最大的累積產氫量(約100~130mlH2)【產能最佳的組合為20g:1g:102mlH2(布袋蓮經生物性溶出後之出流物:輔助基質糖蜜:累積產氫量)】,以及此條件下可回收醱酵系統中的乙醇約為600~800ppm、乙酸約為300~600ppm及正丁酸約為1200~1500ppm。充分達到有機廢棄物的減量化與處理,並藉此可獲得高效率的能資源產出與環境有益微生物的土壤底泥改良劑,經現地試驗的結果,對於養殖蝦池的水質穩定與產量增加有相當助益(育成率達60%以上,收成30~40尾/斤,提昇總產能達50%以上)。
EngTitle To build the processing technology for recovery resources from Eichhornia crassipes including heavy
EngAbstract The purpose is to build-up a processing technology for recovery resources from Eichhornia crassipes including heavy metal. This system will be equipped with smash unit, fermentation process and heavy metal leaching by biological technology . That is because the eichhornia crassipes have a good ability to grow up and absorb heavy metal in the water or soil. It had made a important influence for the river and environment. Especially the eichhornia crassipes including heavy metal will be the most difficult to clear up the problem of heavy metal to the ecology. We first uesd the smash unit to solve the particle size of the Eichhornia crassipes is one of important factors affecting the efficiency of the fermentation. Of course, the fermentation includes composting, anaerobic fermentation and dry an-oxygenic digestion process. In this study, we used the smash unit to treat our organic wastes. This break rate of this unit and its particle size were 0.5 kg Eichhornia crassipes /min and 0.5 - 1.0 mm(about 35 mesh), respectively. The smash unit could reduce 95% of the organic wastes’ volume. After the smashing, we use the biological technology to leach the heavy metal, including Zn, Cr, Cu and Ni. The metal leaching rate was Ni (50%)>Cr (40%)>Cu (20%)>Zn (20%), and caused the solid decreasing more than 60% decreasing rate as SS and 80% as VSS. After bio-leaching, it had a maximum hydrogen production about the ratio were 20g:1g:102mlH2 (outflow:molasses:hydrogen production), and ethnol, acetic acid, and butyric acid production was about 600~800ppm, 300~600ppm, and 1200~1500ppm, respectively. Moreover, some field works indicate that the nutrient could enhance/recover the activity of soil or sediment. For the case in the shrimp pond farming, it not only can make the water stability and increase in shrimp production, but also up to 60% as Incubation rate and 50% as total shrimp production capacity.
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 永續發展室
ExecutingOrg 高雄第一科技大學創新育成中心