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Title 98年度南部微粒超級監測站操作品保及數據分析計畫
Abstract 本計畫之主要目的為執行南部超級微粒測站的品保查核作業,自動與手動監測方法之平行比對,監測數據之有效運轉率確認及對於污染事件之案例分析。品保查核作業每月執行10站次以上的現場查核,包括每月之儀器操作查核、綜合查核及儀器之校正查核與每月定期之品保查核會議,討論儀器之正確性及監測數據之合理性;另外因受莫拉克颱風影響造成部分測站儀器損壞,在九月增加執行各站之流量查核,結果除了橋頭站之EC/OC監測儀以外都符合操作規範。查核與討論之結論大都已完成儀器操作維護的調整,例如EC/OC監測儀的濾紙更換由雷射校正值0.88改為0.90時;NH3監測儀的零點及多點校正偏移與操作參數超出範圍等;尙待處理的建議為在資料庫內加入各種氣相監測儀的操作參數、OC/EC監測儀split time手動修正與加裝不斷電系統以供測站於瞬間斷電時能維持正常操作等。監測方法之平行比對已完成四季之採樣;比對結果顯示PM2.5質量濃度和硝酸鹽濃度兩種方法之一致性均可符合統計檢定;硫酸鹽濃度因為理論轉化率之差異而造成顯著不同,氨自動監測儀之較高測值則是因為轉化器將其他含氮污染物同時轉化為NO的結果,Grimm1.108由於雷射光源的衰減未更新造成濃度低估而H2O2監測儀則未正常運轉。四站共通儀器的有效運轉率除OC/EC監測儀以外均高於90%,尤其PM10與PM2.5監測儀的有效運轉率每月均達於96.5%以上,而OC/EC監測儀由於測值小於MDL而造成平均有效運轉率為84%。核心站僅有之儀器的有效運轉率除光譜儀與SMPS+C因為缺值而偏低以外其他儀器均達於95%以上。污染事件之案例分析結果顯示PM10事件日除了氣象之擴散不良以外主要之人為因素有兩個:分別為上、下班車潮及工廠排放。四月份事件日為沙塵暴事件日,PM10濃度增加的比例最大,而PM2.5增加的比例不顯著。臭氧事件日於輔英核心站大多為NOx控制,而臭氧前驅物來源主要為高雄臨海工業區與高雄市區。在臭氧高濃度後的幾小時,硫酸鹽與OC濃度均有上升的現象,故光化反應對衍生性氣膠有顯著的增量。
EngTitle Quality Assurance Auditing and Data Analysis of PM Supersite in Southern Taiwan for Year 2009
EngAbstract The objectives of this project include auditing the operation/maintenance of the southern Taiwan PM supersites, intercomparison of automatic and manual sampling methods on sites, evaluation of effective operation rates for each instruments, and analysis of contribution sources to pollution episodes. There were more than ten times auditing every month, including operation conditions of each instruments, comprehensive audition, and calibration audition. Additional flow rate calibration auditions were conducted in September due to the damage by Typhoon and only the EC/OC monitor at Chatou exceeded the operation ranges. Most of the corrections or modifications were done on sites or after the routine monthly auditing meeting. For example, the replacement of filter for EC/OC monitor has been changed from laser correction of 0.88 to 0.90; the correction for shift of zero/span calibration of NH3 monitor and its out of operation range. However, there are some unfinished suggestions, like the inclusion of detail operation parameters into data bank, the split time correction for EC/OC monitor, and the UPS for power breakage. The results of parallel intercomparison show that there are good agreement for PM2.5 mass concentration and nitrate concentration between automatic and manual methods and they both pass the U test. The differences for sulfate concentration are due to the uncertainty of theoretical conversion factor of RP8400S. The overestimation of NH3 monitor is caused by the conversion of other nitrogen-containing species into NO by the NH3 converter. The intercomparison also found that the laser source of OPC has decayed and needed to be replaced. For instruments at all four sites, the effective operation rates are all greater than 90%, except for EC/OC monitor; those for PM10 and PM2.5 were even greater than 96.5% every month. The average effective operation rate for EC/OC monitor is 84% and the lower rate is due to some concentrations less than MDL of monitor. The effective operation rates for instruments at the core site are all greater than 95% except for POM and SMPS+C and their lower rates are due to the missing data. In addition to the effect of poor dispersion, the PM episodes are caused by additional emissions from two anthropogenic sources: mobile emission during rush hours and stationary sources. For the PM episodes in April caused by Asia dust storm, PM10 concentrations increased significantly but not for PM2.5. Most of the ozone episodes at core sites are NOx-sensitive based on the measured NOy/O3 ratios and the ozone precursors are from Kaohsiung city and coastal industrial park. Both sulfate and OC concentrations increased after high ozone episodes, implying the significant contribution of photochemical reactions to secondary aerosol.Based on this year and previous studies, the following suggestions are made: establishment of criteria for normal operation after breakdown, establishment of criteria for operation conditions of gaseous monitors, and the double check of effective operation rates. Parts of both RP8400N and RP8400S are not available any more and substituted instruments should be installed. The Asia dust storm, local dust storm, and rice straw open burnings should be monitored in order to analyze their possible impact on the ambient air quality.
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 監資處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人成大研究發展基金會