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Title 98~99年度空氣品質監測儀器品保查核作業
Abstract 本計畫主要針對環保署現有監測站執行不定期品保作業,確保維護作業及監測站網監測數據品質。計畫工作內容包括(1)執行監測站儀器績效查核共80站/年、及績效查核複查10站/年、(2)執行監測站功能檢查共486站/年、(3)每季提交監測數據季評估報告。 績效查核主要評估監測數據準確度,2年總計完成160站次績效查核,總查核項次為2875項次,未達查核品質標準共96項,整體滿意率96.7%。近四年查核滿意度分別為96.2%、96.2%、96.8%、96.5%。各監測儀器類型查核滿意度,以氣狀物監測儀平均滿意度99.2%為最高,粒狀物監測儀平均滿意度98.1%居次,而氣象監測儀滿意度92.8%為滿意度最低的監測儀器。 功能檢查主要不定期對測站站房設施設備、文件記錄狀況、監測儀運轉狀況、異常數據檢查及測站儀器準確度狀況等進行完整之檢查評估。2年總計完成972站次功能檢查,總檢查項次達134217項,共發現779項檢查缺失,缺失率0.58%。整體檢查缺失率有逐年下降趨勢。各類檢查類型缺失發生率依序為準確度檢查之1.62%、站房設施設備之0.66%、氣象儀器設備之0.42%、監測儀器之0.39%、文件紀錄之0.33%。另為了解整體監測儀器運轉狀況及管理狀況,本計畫共提交了8次監測數據季評估報告,報告內容除包括品保執行結果外,另針對維護管理事項、監測資料可用率等方面進行整理並綜合彙整分析。
EngTitle Taiwan Air Quality Monitoring Station Quality Assurance Project
EngAbstract This project executing period was from May 8th 2009 to May 7th 2011. The main purpose of this project is aiming at non-periodically inspecting and auditing all current Environmental Protection Administration’s Air Quality Monitoring Stations to guarantee the quality of monitoring network data. The work content mainly included (1) the execution of monitoring instruments performance audit 80 stations/per year, (2) the execution of monitoring instruments functional check 486 stations/per year, (3) submit the quarterly reports of monitoring data quality. The performance audit primarily inspected the error between the monitoring data and the standard value (accuracy), there were 160 stations completed within two years , audited items total was 2875, just 96 items does not meet the audit quality objectives, the degree of satisfaction was 96.7%. The satisfaction degree of recent four years respectively was 96.2%, 96.2%, 96.8%, and 96.5%. According to the monitoring instrument type, the highest satisfaction degree was 99.2% performed by gaseous monitoring instruments, the second one was 98.1% done by particle monitoring instruments and the lowest one was 92.8% done by meteorological monitoring instruments. Another functional check was mainly to focus on non-periodically surveys and assessments on stations house maintenance, facility equipments, the document recording conditions, the monitor operation conditions, the unusual data check and the monitoring instruments accuracy inspection. There were totally 972 functional checks within two years ,checked items total was 134217, just finded 779 items missing, the whole result of functional check demonstrated the defect rate only 0.58%. Which presented declining trend year by year due to the high quality in sustaining operation and maintenance of monitoring stations. According to different kind of functional check result, the unqualified defects were shown in sequence. The highest defect rate was accuracy check 1.62%, the second was station & facility equipments 0.66%, meteorological instruments 0.42%, then malfunctioned monitors 0.39%, and finally document recording conditions 0.33%. In order to assessment the quality of monitoring data and maintenance management condition, total submitted 8 times quarterly reports of monitoring data quality, the report content included the results of quality assurance, the maintenance management conditions, the availability of monitoring data, and another related contents.
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 監資處
ExecutingOrg 瑩諮科技股份有限公司