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Title 工業區下水道系統水污染管制綜合管理計畫
Abstract 本計畫為ㄧ年期之工業區管理規劃施政計畫,主要內容包括:規劃工業區下水道系統稽查管制標準作業手冊與美、德裁處資料研析、建置許可文件與定期檢測申報審查資訊化審查作業系統、建置工業區放流口水質自動監測及連線作業與監測查詢網頁、進行重點工業區污水處理場功能評鑑作業及其他行政協助工作等五大類工作內容。本計畫完成之執行成果摘要如下:(一)完成美國、香港、新加坡、日本、德國之稽查管制資料蒐集研析,並製作稽查管制標準作業手冊、處理設施操作參數異常判斷手冊、廢水處理設施單位水量硬體設施與操作成本手冊,及完成2場稽查示範說明會,以及蒐集美德環境行政裁處不法利得資料與運用國內之可行性研析 (二)檢討修正水污染源資料管理系統功能、建立空水廢毒管理資訊系統與水系統之管理作業平台,及開發稽查輔助系統 (三)提升工業區水質自動監測連線軟體功能與查詢網頁,並完成10場現場輔導 (四)完成功能評鑑8處對象名單篩選及功能評鑑作業 (五)完成97年工業區專案執行計畫執行成果統計與研擬98年執行計畫、規劃工業區水污染防治工作檢討報告、完成3場水污染相關法規訓練、2場委託查證說明會、5場專家諮詢會,與分析98年自評作業結果提供大署管制參考。
EngTitle The industrial park sewer system water pollution control and management Project
EngAbstract This is a one-year master regulatory and management planning project for the industrial park, with major subjects on:completing out the manual about standard operating procedure of inspection for the industrial parks and study enforcement data about USA and Germany、completed on-line application and reporting document check-up system of permit and DMR、constructing on-line continuous wastewater monitoring system of outfalls for the industrial parks、proceeding functional evaluation of united wastewater plants of the industrial parks, five different kinds of administrative assistance works.This project has accomplished the following outcomes:(1)gathering and studying inspection data of USA、Hong Kong、Singapore、Japan and Germany;working out the manual about standard operating procedure of inspection;accomplishing the manual of operation trouble-shooting for united wastewater treatment plants;analyzing and finishing the manual of construction and operation fees of unit wastewater volume for the industrial parks;holding two meetings of inspection illustration and demonstration;collecting and analyzing the enforcement availability about administrative civil liability of economic profit in USA and GERMANY if adopted in Taiwan; (2)analyzing and modifying the managing system for water pollution;establishing managing platform between EMS and the managing system for water pollution;constructing the inspection assisting system; (3)promoting software functions about on-line continuous wastewater monitoring system and query website for wastewater quality of effluents and holding ten meetings for in-site consultation; (4)screening a list of eight wastewater plants of the industrial parks and completing functional evaluations; (5)analyzing the yearly project of industrial parks of year 2008, proposing the yearly project of industrial park of year 2009 and review report of water pollution control for the industrial park, holding three meetings about regulations of water pollution control, two meetings about commission of water pollution self-verification tasks for the industrial parks administration and five meetings to gather suggestions of experts and professors;analyzing the outcome of water pollution self-verification tasks for the industrial park administration to offer administrative suggestion to TEPA
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 水保處
ExecutingOrg 環科工程顧問股份有限公司