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Title 97-98年度土壤及地下水污染整治資訊整合暨維護計畫(98年度)
Abstract 環保署為建立完整之土壤及地下水資料庫,並協助環保機關業務執行,遂辦理「97-98年度土壤及地下水資訊整合暨維護計畫」(以下簡稱本計畫),主要工作項目包含:持續擴大整合土壤及地下水污染整治相關應用資訊、提升土壤及地下水污染相關資訊電子化管理與橫向聯繫機制、持續建置相關資訊網站促進資訊公開、維持資訊系統可用率確保資訊安全及其他事項。為整合土壤及地下水相關資訊,本計畫辦理7系統整併作業,提供3種系統整併方法供各子系統辦理,並於99年5月28日完成系統上線,使所有系統功能均可於本系統內進行操作與管理。並且完成系統開發格式規範文件訂定,做為未來環保署相關業務規劃與辦理之依據。同時完成EMS系統介接,串接系統相關事業基本資料。本計畫同時督導土壤及地下水相關資料之登錄建檔作業,訂定土壤及地下水相關資料建檔標準作業程序。配合行政作業開發5大項管理功能,節省作業時間。另完成整體性地理資訊建置作業規劃,作為環保署未來發展之參考。計畫執行期間遵守相關規範維護土壤及地下水污染整治網,完成宣導專區建置並定期更新網頁內容。並且遵循環保署相關規範辦理各項資安演練、系統維護管理與網路安全管理等相關作業,並配合設備搬遷計畫於98年11月19日完成系統主機搬遷。本計畫同時每週辦理圖書整理作業及配合業務需求完成242幅製圖服務。並設置專屬諮詢窗口、辦理7場次系統使用說明會,協助各縣市使用者操作與運用。
EngTitle Integration and Maintenance of the Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Information in 2009
EngAbstract In order to establish completed soil and groundwater data base and assist occupational execution of environmental protected institutions, the EPA had conducted " Soil and groundwater data combination and management project for year 2008 and 2009" (below called this project) which main job duties included: keep on expanding soil and groundwater pollution renovation related combination, promote the electric management of soil and groundwater pollution related and its cross communication function, continue on establishing related data websites to advance opening information to the public, maintain the usability of system, make sure the security of data and other duties. For the purpose of combination of soil and groundwater related data, this project conducted 7 system combination operation and provided 3 methods of system combination for side system usage, also completed system on-line on May 28th 2010 to let all system functions may be processed and managed from this system. Moreover this project had accomplished system log-on format and documents set up to be basic example for the EPA future related business scheme and process. In the same time, this project had completed connection with EMS system to link to system basic related business data.This project simultaneously superintended the sut up of log-on operation for soil and groundwater related data and established standard operation procedures of constructing files for soil and groundwater related data, cooperated with executive departments to develop 5 major management functions for saving operational time, also completed entire geographic information set up operation scheme for reference resources of EPA future development.During the execution of this project, the soil and groundwater pollution renovation website has been maintained under obeying related regulations, promoting area has been well eseablished and the contents of website have been updated regularly. Also all data security practices, system maintaining management, internet security management and related operations have been cunducted under EPA related regulations. And to cooperate with equipments relocation project, system main server has been completely relocated on November 19th 2009.Meanwhile, this project conducted library collecting operation weekly and cooperated with necessary business operation to accomplish 242 pages figures drawing service, and established specific questions service window, conducted 7 serial system usage seminars to assist local users to operate and apply.
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 土污基管會
ExecutingOrg 環資國際有限公司