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Title 超可攜式電腦(UMPC)即時動態追蹤稽查輔助計畫
Abstract 本計畫於98年度擴大導入行動設備於事業廢棄物流向稽查流程與作業,冀望利用最新技術—行動設備的行動性、高度擴充性與運算能力高...等特性,協助稽查人員即時追蹤清運機具。計畫提供44台行動裝置(Ultra Mobile Personal Computer, UMPC),於Windows平台上運作,內建GPS,並增加3.5G行動網卡,讓行動裝置隨時隨地存取事業廢棄物相關系統,取得稽查所需資訊。根據去年執行的經驗,今年度逐步完善硬體配件與軟體功能,加強方便性、簡便性與使用者介面友善性。本計畫以稽查人員動態跟監與靜態定點埋伏等稽查需求,開發行動裝置端追車功能與網站系統功能。行動裝置端追車功能利用GPS定位稽查人員座標、3.5G網卡連線GPS即時追蹤系統取得目標車輛座標、GIS與路徑規劃工具協助稽查車輛以最佳路徑跟監可疑車輛。執行現場稽查時,則可以利用連接於行動裝置的網路攝影機,拍照或攝影現場稽查情形,並上傳照片或影片檔案,回報稽查情形。網站系統提供稽查案件、車輛、事業與申報聯單等基本資料查詢以協助稽查人員瞭解稽查對象背景資訊。今年度強化可疑車輛追蹤,增加變頻功能,根據與目標車距離動態取得即時車輛位置,以強化動態稽查,突破30秒回傳的限制,縮短時間差距至5秒;開發精靈式介面,以使用步驟循序漸進的方式,以提高使用者友善性;開發影像平台,提供即時與非即時的回傳方式,並結合GPS座標,以蒐集現場情況;除系統功能強化外,於業務執行方面,共提出42勾稽專案,並舉辦1場次業務檢討會、2場次需求訪談、6場次教育訓練,說明行動裝置軟硬體功能,教育訓練整體滿意度達96%;今年度系統使用率大幅增加,相較於去年度每一部行動裝置的使用率,今年度平均使用率為去年的264%。
EngTitle Real-time and Dynamic Tracking and Inspection System with Ultra Mobile Personal Computer
EngAbstract The project goal in 2009 was to introduce leading-edge mobile devices into inspection processes of industrial waste. The project team aimed to assist inspectors tracing vehicles by these latest mobile devices. Mobile devices or Ultra Mobile Personal Computer (UMPC) had high mobility, scalability and computing ability. This year, the project provided 44 UMPCs, operated on the Microsoft Windows platform, with built-in GPS and HSDPA modem allowed users accessing industrial waste management systems and retrieving information on the go. According to the first-year experience, the project team gradually improved hardware accessories and the software functions to enhance convenience, simplicity and user-friendliness. Based on inspectors’ requirement for tracking vehicles and patrolling at a certain location, the project team developed two main systems: a tracking system on mobile devices and the mobile inspection website. The tracking system on mobile devices achieved dynamically tracking vehicles with UMPCs built-in GPS to locate real-time position, HSDPA modem to retrieve positions of target vehicles and the network analysis function of GIS to navigate to target vehicles. While inspecting, the inspectors could take pictures and videos about inspection targets by the webcam connected to mobile devices, and upload those photos and videos to the system. The mobile inspection website provided functions for looking up inspection projects, vehicles and companies profile and manifests. Several important functions were improved and enhanced this year. First of all, the project team developed a real-time tracking system so that the inspectors could retrieve real-time vehicle’s locations dynamically according to the distance with the target vehicle within 5 seconds. Secondly, the project team developed a wizard-style interface provided a step by step approach to improve user friendliness. The other one is the development of image platform which provided real-time and non real-time transmission with GPS coordinates to collect on-site situation. In addition to the enhancement of system functionality, the project team turned in 42 inspection projects and held one business review meeting, two requirement interviews and 6 training courses. The overall satisfaction of training courses was 96%. The usage rate was greatly increased. Comparing to the usage of last year, the growth rate this year was 264%.
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 廢管處
ExecutingOrg 振興發科技有限公司