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Title 噪音管理系統暨噪音管制資訊網更新及維護計畫
Abstract 本年度噪音管理系統維護工作成果包括:設計限定使用資料庫之IP位址、提高密碼複雜度及定期資料備份,以保護資料安全。同時提供陳情、稽查、監測及績效考核資料匯出設定、匯入檢查、查詢、統計功能,以提高系統操作之方便性,已達計畫預期效益。另外,轉入約57,069件稽查紀錄資料,修改98年度績效考評功能及公務報表。噪音管制資訊網中,新增環保林園大道及更新維護低頻噪音之專屬網頁;維護高鐵噪音管制專屬網頁,並納入97年監測結果資料;通過無障礙第一優先等級(A+),並更新10個縣市噪音管制區連結、6個縣市航空噪音管制區連結。各辦理1場系統諮詢及檢討會議與成果發表會。
EngTitle Noise Management System and Noise Control Information Web Update and Maintenance Project
EngAbstract This project had developed many results this year in the maintenance of the noise management system. Including the database logon function of determinative IP address and the complex of codes to promote the system security. This project also provided functions of determinative output, check-up input, inquiry and statistics. These functions could make the application be more efficient. About 57,069 noise inspection data had been transferred to this database, and we had modified 2009 performance evaluation function for environmental protection bureaus(EPBS).This project also expanded the environmental garden avenue web pages and modified the low-frequency noise web pages. By the way, we also modified the high speed rail exclusive web pages and supplemented the noise monitoring data of 2008. This web site was awarded the level of diagnosis priority 1 (A+) of the web accessibility service. At the same time, this project had renewed 10 links of cities/counties noise control districts data, 6 links of aviation noise control district data. The promotion of using this system included a training course for local environmental protection bureaus.
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 智通工程科技股份有限公司