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Title 98年度飲用水水源水質保護區地理資訊系統整合建置及擴充計畫
Abstract 在系統功能維護及擴充部分;除了針對「全國飲用水水源水質保護區地理資訊網」進行維護作業外,也加強改善網頁友善度部分;另外,為符合飲用水保護區管理單位的需求,也針對維護管理系統及行動查報系統陸續擴充許多因應功能。第二,在空間資訊整合維護及擴充部分,為有效整合國內飲用水水源水質保護區及自來水水質水量保護區空間資訊,進而提供功能完善及強而有力的地理資訊系統;因此,利用Google Maps APIs及ESRI ArcIMS等兩種不同的地理資訊技術,分別開發出簡易版及專業版的地理資訊系統,以針對不同使用對象及使用目的提供適合的地理資訊系統。第三,在飲用水水源水質保護區劃定現況分析檢討部分,首先針對面積前三十大的飲用水水源水質保護區進行現況分析,並以政策、法規、組織、經費、經營管理模式、回饋制度、民眾參與等七個角度進行分析檢討,並提供相關報告供未來規劃施行時的參考依據。第四,在圖資搜集及匯整作業部分,進行二十處簡易自來水設施定位及數化作業;同時,匯入台北自來水事業處所管轄的自來水淨水場及自來水取水口共九筆地理圖層及全國近一千四百多萬筆的地籍圖層,以上成果可增加土地判定的精確度。第五,在業務協助與推廣作業部分,今年度總共舉辦一場全國飲用水管理業務檢討會、六縣市地方環保局業務需求訪談、三場次全國系統操作明會、六縣市地方環保局現地探勘主機交接作業、協助土地判定作業、災後保護區範圍套疊作業。最後,在資訊安全及維護作業部分,除了每月提供資安報表外,也進行資訊安全檢測以維持系統正常營運。
EngTitle The Integrated Establishment and Upgrade Project of Drinking Water Source Protection Area Geography Information System
EngAbstract In the system maintenance and upgraded operations, the project team not only maintained “National Drinking Water Source Protection Area Geographic Information System”, but also improved the system user friendliness. In addition, to conform the demands of the managers of the drinking water source protection area, the project team also upgraded the corresponding functions in the maintenance management system and the exploring mobile system. In the spatial information integrated maintenance and upgrade operations, in order to integrate spatial information of drinking water source protection area and tap water quality protection area, and to provide powerful geographic information systems, the project team used Google Maps APIs and ESRI ArcIMS collectively to process geographical data to supply spatial results on these two mapping systems. In the status analysis and reviews operations of drinking water source protection area, the project team first analyzed the status on the thirty biggest drinking water source protection areas; and then reviewed these areas by seven different aspects which included policies, laws, organization, funds, management, reward and participation. Then, the results could also provide EPA with reference for drinking water source protection area’s planning and management in the future. In the geographic data collection and integrated operations, the project team collected nine water supply geographic data from Taipei Water Department and approximately fourteen millions cadastral geographic data from EPA this year. Meanwhile, the project team also located and digitized twenty simple water supply facilities. The results could raise the accuracy on land use permit and operations. In the business assistance and operation instructions operations, there were many types of training programs or meetings held this year, which were national drinking water business meetings, EPB business requirement meetings, system operation training programs, land use permit operations and post-flooding areas analysis. In the information securities operations, the project team not only provided monthly information security reports, but also carried out simulated attacks on information security for maintain functioning.
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 毒管處
ExecutingOrg 振興發科技有限公司