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Title 光污染現況調查與案例分析
Abstract 隨著時代的進步,戶外照明逐漸成為展現城市特色的手法。然而,不當與過度的照明反而造成諸多層面的影響。這些夜間照明所產生的溢出光線對於環境產生的負面干擾與影響即為光污染(light pollution),包括天空輝光(sky glow)、光侵擾(light trespass)以及眩光(glare)的影響。同樣地,白天來自玻璃與牆面的反射光、甚至室內的燈具眩光也不容小覷。這些光污染不但影響人類的日常生活、身心舒適感,並且干擾生態系統、耗用更多能源。然而目前國內光污染議題尚未引起廣泛重視,相關規範付之闕如,因此本研究首先蒐集國際光污染現況與趨勢,作為我國光污染防制規範的參考;爾後進行光污染現況調查與案例蒐集解析,瞭解國內光污染現況;最後彙整提出光污染防制之建議。本研究將有助於改善現有設計觀念與照明品質,創造良好之都市戶外照明環境。
EngTitle analyze Taiwan light pollution data
EngAbstract As time goes by, outdoor lighting has become the method to enhance the city characteristic at night. However, improper lighting design or use may cause light pollution which includes sky glow, light trespass, and glare. Furthermore, the reflecting light from glass and building walls, and the glare from interior lighting are also the parts of light pollution. It would affect humans daily lives, cause uncomfortable feeling, disturb night ecosystem, consume more energy and increase environment load.Since the relative studies of light pollution are at the initial stage in Taiwan and people have not generally pay much attention to this issue, the purpose of this study is to diminish the impact of environment from light pollution. Firstly, it collected current international issues and standards of light pollution as references. Secondly, it surveyed and analyzed conditions of light pollution in Taiwan. Finally, according to above results, it proposed suggestions and strategies of reducing light pollution. These results could be used to improve existing lighting design and enhance the lighting quality in the future.
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人成大研究發展基金會