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Title 98年度加強垃圾分類回收及資源再利用計畫
Abstract 為持續推動垃圾強制分類工作,本計畫藉由協助整合與強化執行機關推動垃圾強制分類政策執行成果外,透過輔導未達政策目標縣市執行機關(嘉義縣與雲林縣)、訪查家戶民眾進行垃圾分類情形及方式、調查執行機關後續資源物再利用流向與輔導大型事業協助推動生活垃圾分類回收工作,以及研擬事業進行生活垃圾分類工作推動措施草案等工作,強化垃圾強制分類工作推動成效。執行結果顯示,一般家戶執行垃圾分類工作之困難主要在於空間不足、時間無法配合及分類方式等三大層面,因此未來應加強宣導並落實垃圾分三類的概念,以降低分類所需的空間及時間,並簡化分類方式,以提昇民眾落實分類意願。在調查執行機關資源回收物變賣流向部分,本計畫共訪查51個以統包單價與統包分價標售資源回收物執行機關(合計169個)之資源回收商,發現執行機關資源回收物統包變賣比例已由93年之23%提升至98年之70%,顯示採統包模式進行資源回收物變賣的執行機關比例,有逐年成長的趨勢;針對統包商後續資源物流向之廠商家數比例分析,但54%的資源物流向已有登記處理之廠商業者,46%為未登記業者;然而統包商表示標售執行機關資源回收物經常遭遇困難包括高價資源物比例偏低(37.3%)、低價資源物比例偏高(47.1%)、廢棄物比例偏高(41.2%)、資源回收物數量不穩定(33.3%)、缺乏合法去化管道/技術(19.6%)、收購價格過低(9.80%)與價格不能隨市場機制進行(27.5%),因此未來除應進一步要求執行機關密切掌握資源回收物再利用流向外,並應協助執行機關訂定完善之招標注意事項,以導正資源回收產業健全發展。此外,本計畫發現事業單位對於員工生活垃圾多數皆有基本之分類回收措施,主要缺失為管理辦法及措施未能建立與落實,因此未來應以協助事業單位建立管理機制並落實管理為輔導重點,以提昇事業單位生活垃圾分類回收成效。為提升執行機關資源回收與垃圾強制分類工作成效,本計畫建議持續推動垃圾不落地措施、強化執行機關資源回收服務效率、控管資源回收物流向與推動事業進行生活垃圾分類回收工作,將有助於進一步協助執行機關於完成階段性垃圾強制分類工作後,持續達成更佳之資源回收與垃圾強制分類工作成果。
EngTitle 2009 Mandatory Garbage Sorting and Recycling Enhancement Project
EngAbstract To enhance Mandatory Garbage Sorting (MGS) Policy and recycling performance, on-site consultant service for implementation agencies (Chai-Yi county and Yunlin county), household garbage sorting investigation, recyclable flow investigation, enterprise non-hazardous business waste recycling promotion and promotion proposal were implemented. From project implementation outcomes, the difficulties of sorting household waste lied in insufficient space, unable coordinating time and complicated sorting modes. Therefore, we should focus on educating and insuring the concept of sorting trash into three main categories. It could save space and time and simplify the ways of sorting to raise the will of sorting. Regarding on recyclable flow investigation, 51 recyclers, who bought recyclables from 169 implementation agencies by Fixed-Price-Single-Contractor model and Various-Prices-Single-Contractor model, were interviewed on-site. We found an increase of Single-Contractor model tenders that shared 70% and 23% of total implementation agencies number in 2004 and 2009, respectively. The project also found that only 54% recyclables were delivered to registered processor and the rest 46% recyclables were sent to unregistered business. The main problems that Single-Contractor model recyclers usually encountered included low percentage of high value recyclable (37.3%), high percentage of low value recyclable (47.1%), and high residual percentage (41.2%), instability of recyclable volume (33.3%), no available legal processors/techniques (19.6%), low recyclable market price (9.80%) and unfixable tender recyclable price (27.5%). It demonstrated the necessity for intensive control of recyclable flow and more compressive tender rules when implementation agencies sold recyclable. The project also found that there were basic recycling facilities for refuse in most enterprises. The main defects were management and measures were not established and practiced. Therefore, the government should assist the enterprises to establish and implement the management mechanisms for improving the recycling of refuse in enterprises.The following topics were recommended for an higher recycling and mandatory garbage sorting achievement (1)continues enforcing Keep Trash Off the Ground requirement, (2)improve implementation agency recycling efficiency, (3)strict management on recycle flow and (4)encourage enterprise to recycle refuse.
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 廢管處
ExecutingOrg 永發環境科技管理有限公司