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Title 環境災害監控、整訓、毒災聯防暨專業諮詢推動計畫第二年(98年)
Abstract 工業技術研究院(以下簡稱工研院)以長期執行相關性質計畫的基礎,並參酌國內、外現行化學品應變諮詢服務中心運作方式,規劃以環保單位為主要服務對象及其他政府相關單位與業者為輔之技術支援服務,於98年1月1日起承接本計畫,執行期間承蒙委辦單位(環保署)的監督與指導,及相關同仁之全力配合,執行進度達100%,符合計畫期程規劃。在環境災害監控、整訓、毒災聯防推動部分,投入監控值班730人次,實施電話、傳真通聯測試計365次,另自1月1日起增設視訊通聯測試,計完成730次。環境毒災事故應變部分,共執行69場次環境毒災事故應變,投入時間3848.4小時,產出76份速報、69份查處表、1份新聞稿。分別完成北中南三區共6場次毒災防救教育訓練辦理,參訓人數333人。POPs參訪行程部份於5月4日至5月8日參加聯合國於日內瓦舉辦的COP4並完成出國報告。陸續完成4梯國內毒災防救單位技術級常訓課程,共201人參訓。「毒災中央災害應變中心」開設演練部份,7月1日假環保署緊急應變中心完成一次沙盤推演。完成「毒災中央災害應變中心」各部會人員基本資料更新。為強化國內毒化物運輸管理,5月初完成「SQAS毒性化學物質運輸管理機制研析」供署內參考。專業諮詢推動部分,全年無休24小時進行毒化物災害、化學品災害、恐怖化武攻擊事故之監錄、專業諮詢服務與災害通報作業,截至12月31日為止,緊急諮詢通報案件(包括國內外電子媒體監控)761件;215件國內緊急諮詢通報案件中,請求應變隊到場支援69件。新增毒災防救網頁「事故救災資訊整合」與「毒化災線上諮詢」等二項功能。執行一般諮詢案件(包括以電話、傳真、書面、新聞稿或電子郵件網路方式諮詢)534件,3日內回覆完成率100%,緊急諮詢案件於30分鐘內回覆,全年達成率達94%。統合毒災防救體系,與全民防衛動員及反恐機制的整合應變協調,強化救災技術能量部分,持續提交未來四年毒災體系的研析作業並提交署內供參。完成259種毒化物毒理資料更新(含7月31日新增公告毒化物雙酚A)。10月19~20日完成辦理毒災業務檢討會,參與人數計60位;11月3~4日完成辦理全國毒災應變事故案例研討會,參與人數達560位。完成一年二次之全國專家群名單通聯測試,並新增邀請產學界專家共13人進行簡歷回收,環境毒災簡訊電子報共完成7期發刊;並提供翻譯20篇英文稿件。
EngTitle The Project of Monitoring, Training, Creating Mutual Aid and Emergency Consultation for Environmental Incident
EngAbstract The Industrial Technology Research Institute's (ITRI) Energy and Environment Research Laboratories (EEL) has drawn up this plan to provide technical support services for emergency response to accidents involving chemicals and toxic substances. The EEL's plan was designed to mainly serve government environmental protection agencies, while also provide services to other government agencies and businesses. EERL drafted the plan based on its long-term implementation experience with related plans, as well as the operations of chemical emergency response centers both in Taiwan and abroad. On April 1, 2008, this plan was received and carried on. Thanks to the oversight and guidance by the Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan (EPA), and with the full effort and cooperation of our colleagues, 100% progress has been achieved.Promotion of Monitoring, Training, and Joint Prevention of Environmental Disasters: A total of 730 monitors were assigned to carry out a total of 365 telephone line and fax communication tests., video link tests were added and a total of 730 tests completed. Regarding environmental toxic disaster emergency response, a total of 69 trainings on environmental toxic disaster response were held, involving 3848.4 hours of training, and the production of 76 bulletins, 69 site audit reports and one press release. Six educational trainings on toxic disaster control were held, respectively, with a total of 333 participants. Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) conference participation included the Fourth Meeting of the Conference of the Parties of the Stockholm Convention (POP 4) of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants held by the United Nations in Geneva May 4-8 and completion of report on overseas trip. Four technical training courses for domestic toxic disaster prevention agencies were successively completed. As for the inception of drills at the Central Toxic Disaster Response Center, a tabletop exercise was held at the EPA Emergency Response Center on July 1 and drills at the Central Toxic Disaster Response Center. An update was completed of basic information on staff assigned to the Central Toxic Disaster Response Center by all cabinet agencies. Formation of an organization for joint industry prevention of toxic disasters: An industry support agreement for the said organization was completed and accepted after being checked in three unannounced tests. In order to strengthen the management of domestic toxic chemical substance transport, an “Assessment of SQAS system on Toxic Chemical Substance Transport Management Mechanisms” was completed in May and submitted to the EPA for reference.Promotion of expert consulting: video monitoring, expert consulting services and disaster reporting regarding toxic chemical substances disasters, chemical product accidents and terrorist chemical weapons attacks were provided round the clock 365 days a year. As of the end of November, a total of 761 emergency consulting cases were reported (including domestic and abroad monitoring via electronic media). In 69 out of 215 cases of disaster consulting, the emergency response team was asked to provide on-site assistance. A total of 534 cases of general consulting (including by telephone, fax, in written form, via press release, e-mail or the Internet) were carried out with responses being made within three days in all cases. Integrating disaster prevention systems, coordinating with the integrated response of the National Defense Mobilization System and the Anti-Terrorism Mechanism, strengthening technical rescue capabilities: Studies and analyses regarding the toxic disaster system for the EPA for internal reference will continue to be submitted for the coming four years. Two updates were completed of toxicity information regarding 259 toxic chemical substances (including Bisphenol A). The Review of Toxic Chemical Substance Disaster was held on Oct. 19-20. A total of 60 people attended the symposium. The 2009 National Symposium on Toxic Chemical Substance Emergency Response was held on Nov. 3-4. A total of 560 people attended the symposium. Telephone interviews were conducted to update the national list of expert teams, 13 experts from industry and academia were invited to retrieve their resumes. Seven issues of the Environmental Toxic Chemical Substance e-Newsletter were published; twenty articles and bulletins were provided for posting on the EPA’s English website.
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 毒管處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人工業技術研究院