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Title 98年東沙島沿岸海域環境水質監測計畫
Abstract   本年度環保署開始針對東沙島沿岸海域進行水質調查,主要針對東沙環礁潟湖、東沙島沿岸海域及東沙島潟湖,進行4次海域水質之監測採樣調查工作;檢測項目計有水溫、溶氧、酸鹼度、鹽度、懸浮固體、生化需氧量、氨氮、總磷、大腸桿菌群、葉綠素a 及矽酸鹽等11項。由水質監測結果顯示,各測站各季次之監測結果均無明顯差異;懸浮固體、總磷、生化需氧量、矽酸鹽等項測值普遍均以東沙島潟湖測點測值較高;其中小潟湖因屬一封閉湖泊,該區域之潟4測點普遍為各測項之最高測值,主要可能是因為受到降雨、生物死亡分解,再加上水體循環交換不良所導致。
EngTitle The Environmental Monitoring of the Water Quality at Dongsha Island
EngAbstract   In 2009, the Environmental Protection Administration carried on the water quality investigation for Dongsha Island, mainly aimed at the Dongsha Atoll area, the Dongsha Island coastal area and lagoon area for the first time. Water samples were collected four times for this investigation. Eleven analytes were examined for water quality: temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, salinity, suspended solid, biochemical oxygen demand, ammonia nitrogen, total phosphorus, E-coli group, chlorophyll a, and silicates.  The analytical results of water quality from samples collected in different seasons did not show significant differences. The values of SS, TP, BOD, and silicates measured at the lagoon area are higher than measured at the other areas. Since the small lagoon is a closed lake, site L4 had the highest measured values among the lagoon area sampling locations, possibly due to rainfall, decomposition of recently deceased fauna, and/or poor water circulation.
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 監資處
ExecutingOrg 中環科技事業股份有限公司