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Title 98年度環保政策風險管理發展計畫
Abstract 政府組織及政策除了有責任保護人民不受傷害,也必須相對的保護行政作業上的權益。因此,不管是對於民眾安全或是對於組織運作的順暢,風險管理工作都有其必要。本計畫在2007及2008年環保政策風險管理計畫的執行基礎上持續推動風險管理的工作。主要內容及成果包括:藉由同仁的回應和環境的趨勢,持續檢討修訂環保政策風險管理標準作業程序。接著,從前兩年度的風險議題篩選出3個主要議題,藉由6場以風險議題蒐集及風險對策為主軸的討論會議,建置本土的環保政策風險管理案例。在教育訓練方面,本計畫以「風險、危機、準備與面對」及「演習的設計與規劃程序」為主軸,持續辦理署內風險管理教育訓練4場,共計273人次參與。在知識物件的建立上,本計畫訂定政策風險溝通作業內容及建立自我檢定機制。資訊系統部分則新增7項風險管理資料庫功能。在危機管理方面,本年度開始檢視與分析署內現有之危機處理機制,並建立政策風險與危機管理演習作業內容,進而草擬危機管理示範演習計畫。最後,本計畫依據環保署擇定之3個議題,完成年度政策風險評估報告。
EngTitle The Study of the Risk Management on the Environmental Protection Policy for the year of 2009
EngAbstract No matter for the safety of the general public or the smooth running of the state, it is necessary to have risk management. Based on the risk management framework in the environmental protection policies and the projects of 2007 and 2008, results of the project of 2009 Environmental Protection Policy Risk Management Project include:(1)The improvement of the EPA’s risk management operation model and standard operation procedure based on the staff’s responding and environmental trends;(2)3 local cases for risk management of environmental protection policies were established through 6 meetings, for both risk issues and strategies; (3)In the education and training portion, 4 sessions of the courses for risk and crisis management were held with totally 243 participants; (4)In the knowledge material accumulation part, the risk communication process and self evaluation checklist for the EPA were constructed;(5)7 new functions were supplemented to the risk management database; (6) In the crisis management aspect, this project reviewed EPA’s current emergency response plans, draft the contents for risk and crisis management drills, and set up a drill plan; (7)Finally, the annual risk management evaluation report was completed.
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 管考處
ExecutingOrg 瑞鉅災害管理及安全事務顧問股份有限公司