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Title 98年度焚化灰渣再利用查核評鑑及管理專案工作計畫
Abstract 為能有效督導垃圾焚化灰渣之流向管理,環保署於94年起開始辦理焚化灰渣處理及再利用管理流向查核工作,並於96年7月26 日修訂公佈「一般廢棄物-垃圾焚化廠焚化底渣再利用管理方式」,增訂底渣再利用三級品管制度, 供為中央及地方政府加強底渣再利用管理之法源依據。本計畫目標即為配合環保署政策,延續歷年辦理成果,持續推動焚化灰渣處理及再利用之妥善管理事宜。本計畫執行期間自98年2月6日起至99年2月28日止,主要工作內容包括:執行底渣品質查核評鑑作業,並依據執行成效研提改善建議與因應對策;定期辦理書面及現場實地查核作業,督促焚化廠、灰渣掩埋場及底渣再利用機構加強灰渣處理及再利用管理;以及持續協助環保署辦理各縣市水肥清理、灰渣再利用計畫等業務之執行現況追蹤及成效檢討等工作。
EngTitle Appraisal and Management of Incinerator Ash in Incineration Plants for 2009
EngAbstract In order to effectively supervise the management of final destination for waste incinerators ash, the Environmental Protection Administration( EPA) has performed inspection of the flow direction of incinerator ash treatment and reuse since 2005.On July 26, 2007, the EPA amended and promulgated “ The Management Methods for Reuse of the General Waste Incinerator Bottom Ash," in which a 3-step quality management system was established as the implementation guidance for both central and local governments to enhance management for the reuse of the incinerator bottom ash.The main purpose of this project was to assist the EPA in the continuous promotion of appropriate management of treatment and reuse for incinerators ash, in accordance with the EPA' s policy based on the achievements of the relevant projects over the past few years.The executing period of this project was from February 6, 2009 to February 28, 2010 and major tasks included:to carry out the appraisal work of incinerator bottom ash quality and provide improvement suggestions and propose related countermeasures, to conduct records/reports check and perform sites inspection of refuse incineration plants, ash landfills, and bottom ash reuse organizations periodically to strengthen management for treatment and reuse of the incinerators ash, and to assist the EPA in continuously tracing and monitoring the current status and execution progress of city and county governments for promoting relevant works of both septic tank clearance and treatment and ash reuse projects.
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 廢管處
ExecutingOrg 中興工程顧問股份有限公司