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Title 北區河川守護計畫
Abstract 本年度北區河川守護計畫工作內容結合Eco-life環保森林組織樹精神,完成淡水河流域、南崁溪及老街溪河川守護義工工作坊及義工交流活動共3場次,至少500人次參加;以及完成訓練基隆河導覽人員訓練55人並推動導覽。完成工作項目成果如下:1. 完成訪談淡水河流域、南崁溪及老街溪各河川巡守隊7隊,完成河川巡守隊巡守地圖及巡檢、通報、清理、志願認養及舉發的責任區作成DM,符合計畫內容,達成計畫預期目標。2. 完成輔導河川巡守隊認識「清淨家園顧厝邊綠色生活網」,共有21隊(北市2隊、北縣16隊、桃園縣5隊完成架設部落格),學習鍵入各河川巡守隊河川守護行動或污染整治部落格方式,符合計畫內容,達成計畫預期目標。3. 完成10次不定期巡查塔寮坑溪支流潭底溝、鹿角溪、鶯歌溪、南崁溪及老街溪,製作污染地圖,符合計畫內容,達成計畫預期目標。4. 完成辦理4場次河川巡守工作坊及義工交流活動,共513人參加:1)完成邀請基隆市、台北縣市、桃園縣及新竹縣市河川巡守義工經驗分享及交流;2)工作坊內容已含Eco-life環保森林組織樹精神及作法、巡守重點、通報流程、河川巡守義工可執行事項、河川污染整治重點、流域文史、經驗分享及巡守特色、河川生態等。符合計畫內容,達成計畫預期目標。5. 完成以自行車訓練基隆河導覽人員訓練共61人。於8月23日、8月29日、8月30日、9月11日開辦兩梯次基隆河流域導覽解說員培訓課程,分別於北市內湖社區大學和松山社區大學舉行,兩梯次共完成訓練導覽人員61名,最後根據其中完成課程並通過驗收者,提出導覽人員建議名單。符合計畫內容,達成計畫預期目標。6. 完成規劃基隆河污染整治特色處10點,作為訓練解說範圍,符合計畫內容,達成計畫預期目標。7. 完成訓練課程16小時並實作模擬,課程結束後提出導覽人員30人建議名單,符合計畫內容,達成計畫預期目標。8. 完成辦理對外接受申請新店溪及淡水河本流導覽人員規劃及宣導,符合計畫內容,達成計畫預期目標。9. 完成辦理已完成訓練之新店溪及淡水河本流導覽人員加強導覽重點及注意事項回訓課程與座談會2場半日合計56人,符合計畫內容,達成計畫預期目標。10. 完成辦理6場次接受15人以上的機關團體或學校申請新店溪及淡水河本流導覽工作,統計分析導覽人數、河川整治相關問題及導覽意見反應,符合計畫內容,達成計畫預期目標。本計畫之成果效益:1. 增進河川巡守義工對各流域污染整治政策的認識,推廣民眾參與。2. 舉辦河川巡守學習教育,持續培育義工與吸引更多民眾加入河川巡守行列。3. 促進巡守義工間的交流,加強河川巡守的功效。4. 將河川關懷與觀光休閒結合,促使更多民眾容易親近河川。5. 增進觀光業者與民眾對於基隆河流域污染整治的了解。6. 推廣河川保育,促進民眾關心河川。建議:一、完成巡守隊抽樣訪談,建議北區(這是指北台灣嗎???)各縣市比照北縣環保局作法,邀請巡守隊進行定期河川聯繫會報,以擴大巡守資訊透明、經驗交流及增強民間巡守參與的信任感。二、針對跨縣市河川污染,可搭建流域會議進行地區公、私部門跨縣市的污染重點合作稽查與巡守。三、發展三軌制度(課程培力地方河川巡守隊員自行管理、計畫培訓招募協助上傳巡守通報的河川義工群、協調地方環保局要求各縣市河川巡守培力的專案執行團隊工作應納入協助巡守隊上傳通報) 以輔助河川巡守隊熟悉「清淨家園顧厝邊綠色生活網」的建置與後續的通報。四、發展河川影像紀錄義工,以增加後續推廣親水教育與巡守義工招募的教材。五、培養更多河段的河川導覽義工來發展定點定時的樂水行導覽活動。六、每年可固定時間舉辦河川日活動,吸引大眾與媒體對河川的關注。七、河川培力計畫建議往發展河川巡守培訓教育、民眾親水教育之模式研發中心。
EngTitle The River Guard in Northern Taiwan
EngAbstract According to the contents of the project, the achievements that have been conducted are described as the following. 1. Organized seven teams of river-patrolling volunteers in the Tam-Shui River , Nan-Kan River and Lao-Jie River regions after completing the interviews in those areas; the DMs containing the patrolling, maps, reports, cleaning, volunteering, etc. are also finished, which have met the expectation. 2. Advised 23river patrolling teams, (2 from Taipei, 16 from Taipei County and 5 from Taoyuan County setting up blogs) to learn how to input the reports, data, results, their activities and other criteria in the website “EcoLife” to meet the project requirements. 3. Finished ten irregular patrols and completed the maps of polluted areas in the connecting streams of Ta-Liao-Ken River like Tan-Di Creek, Lu-Chiao Creek, Ying-Ge Creek, Nan-Kan Creek and Lau-Jie Creek, which has met the expectation of the project.4. Finished 4 one-day workshops of river patrolling and communications for volunteers’ interaction, proficiency training and experience sharing. There were 513 participants joining the workshops. 1) Invited the river patrolling volunteer teams from Taipei City, Taipei County, Keelung City, Taoyuan County, Hsinchu City and Hsinchu County to share their experience. 2) The contents of the workshops had included the principles, procedures, reporting process, the criteria that were able to be conducted by volunteers, river pollution prevention and treatment, the history of rivers, ecosystems, proficiency training etc. Those mentioned above have met the expectation of the project. (1) The volunteer workshop of Nan-Kan Creek and Lao-Jie Creek in Taoyuan was held at Room 101, The Labor Recreation Center in Taoyuan County from 8:30 to 18:30 on October 17th, 2009. There were 82 participants who are river patrolling volunteers from Taoyuan, university or graduate students, community university students and the general public. (2) The volunteer workshop of Tamsui River patrolling was held at Tatung Community University in Taipei City from 8:30 to 17:00 on October 24th, 2009. There were 29 participants who are retired teachers, volunteer tour guides, students, river patrolling volunteers, and 2009 tour guide trainees of Keelung River, etc. (3) The volunteer workshop and birthday party for Tamsui River patrolling volunteers was held at Bi-Tan River Bank Square in Hsindian, Taipei County from 8:00 to 17:00 on November 11th, 2009. There were 318 participants who are river patrolling volunteers, students, and the general public. (4) The volunteer workshop for Jing-Mei River patrolling volunteers was held at the river bank of Wan-Ching Park in Jing-Mei creek from 9:00 to 12:00 on November 29th, 2009. There were 84 participants including river patrolling volunteers from Tamsui River regions and community university students. 5. Finished the bicycle training for 61 Keelung River tour guide trainees. The training was held twice at Nei-Hu and Sung-Shan community universities in Taipei City on August 23rd, 29th, 30th and September 11th. The recommended tour guide trainees were selected from the 61 participants after the tests. The results have met the expectation of the project.6. Accomplished selecting 10 important locations to be the tour guide training areas for the pollution treatment of Keelung River, which has met the expectation of the project. 7. Finished the 16-hour proficiency training and role play, and selected 30 recommended tour guide trainees from the participants, which have met the expectation of the project. 8. Accomplished the tour guide training and propaganda of Hsindian River and Tamsui River, which have met the expectation of the project. 9. Finished two half-day re-trainings and forums for the tour guide trainees of Hsindian River and Tamsui River to reinforce the guiding focus and proficiency. The total participants were 56 people. The results have met the expectation of the project. 10. Finished 6 appointed tours in Tamsui River for organizations or schools with more than 15 people, conducted the visitor analysis, and collected the questions about the river pollution treatments and the comments of the tours, which has met the expectation of the project. The benefits of this project: 1. Improve river-patrolling volunteers’ proficiency and understanding about the river pollution treatments and policies and the participation of the general public. 2. Organize the river patrolling trainings to educate the volunteers and to attract more people to involve with the river patrolling. 3. Promote the interactions among the river patrolling volunteers to reinforce the results of river patrolling proficiency. 4. Integrate the tourism and recreation activities and river protection together to help the public get close to the rivers. 5. Help the tourism and recreation industries and the public understand the pollution treatments in the Keelung River regions. 6. Promote the river protection concepts and attract the public to join river protections. Suggestions: 1. To finish the river patrolling teams' interviews, we suggest each county in North Taiwan follows the procedures applied by Protection Bureau in Taipei County, which are inviting river patrolling teams to the regular meetings to enable the patrolling information open, share experience and reinforce the trusts and participation among civil patrolling. 2. As to the river pollutions that territories run across different counties or cities, build up the meetings regarding river regions so the public and private sectors can cooperate and patrol together and examine the focus polluted areas.3. Develop three systems, trainings about local river patrolling team members' self management, recruiting and training volunteers who are in charge of reporting, coordinating the local environment protection bureaus to requests the reporting should be listed in one of the duties of river patrolling, to help river patrolling teams to familiar with set up and following up reports on Ecolife website. 4. Train volunteers to film the documentaries so those documentaries can be used as the training materials for the further river and water education and new volunteers.5. Recruit more volunteer tour guides to develop new locations for appointed river guide tours. 6. Set up River Day and activities to attract the public and media attention to the river protection.7. Build up a research center for the trainings of river patrolling, the river educations for the public.
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 水保處
ExecutingOrg 台灣綠色公民行動聯盟協會