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Title 綠色運輸環境維護宣導短片攝製
Abstract 綠色運輸短片以實拍與卡通動畫結合方式呈現,結合環保協查志工「柯柏武」變形金剛執行任務,發現路上有不符合綠色運輸的車輛,包括:一人一車、亂排放黑煙…,於是與以攔阻警告,同時,更推廣綠色運輸,如:共乘、步行、大眾運輸工具、自行車…等,強調綠色運輸不但能節能減碳,更可以守護地球,呼籲全民大家一起來!環境維護以社區環保以義工–抹奇為主角貫穿於各級公共廁所間,採用實景與卡通人物結合呈現,經由抹奇的介紹讓民眾更加了解各級公廁的標準,但因民眾的不當使用與維護,導致特優笑臉變成哭臉,期透過公廁整潔維護及檢查改善,落實公廁清潔分級制度,以提升公廁環境品質。
EngTitle Green Transportation and Safeguarding the Environment: Production Plans for Public Information Films
EngAbstract This short film about green transportation is a mixture of live action and cartoon animation. The transformer Optimus is an environmental protection investigation volunteer. In carrying out his task, he discovers vehicles that fail to meet the principles of green transportation, including cars carrying only one person, and vehicles with dirty exhaust emissions. He stops them to warn them, at the same time spreading the green transportation message of pooling transportation, walking, using mass transit and biking. He emphasizes that green transportation can not only save resources and cut carbon emissions, it can also protect the Earth. Optimus calls upon everyone to work together!In the battle to safeguard the environment through community environmental protection, Miss Magic volunteers to take the lead role to penetrate public toilet facilities at all levels. This short film employs a combination of real scenes and cartoon characters, introducing Miss Magic to the public to make everybody better understand all levels of standards in public toilets. When people inappropriately use and fail to look after public toilets, her smiling face turns to tears. It is hoped that through cleaning and looking after public toilets and improving inspections, a sanitary grading system for public toilets can be implemented, in order to improve the quality of the environment in public toilets.
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 綜計處
ExecutingOrg 敦煌傳播有限公司