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Title 98年度垃圾清運體系調查規劃及垃圾車更新專案工作計畫
Abstract 本計畫主要目的在於協助地方環保機關汰換老舊清運機具,維持垃圾清運能力與提高清運效率,以確保民眾清潔、衛生、健康之生活環境與品質。本計畫延續歷年(自民國 96 年起)推動執行「一般廢棄物資源循環推動計畫」(行政院 96 年 3 月 1 日核定)之「補助地方政府汰換老舊垃圾清運機具工作」 ,協助環保署辦理補助汰換相關工作,並研擬提昇清運車輛使用效益之措施,研訂新型清運機具之規格規範。本(98)年度計畫執行期限自 98 年 2 月起至 98 年 12 月止,秉公開、透明、專業與嚴密監督之原則,研訂密封壓縮式垃圾車採購規範與共同供應契約招標文件,並完成招標採購作業;同時,由地方環保機關提出垃圾清運車輛汰換申請補助計畫書,經環保署核定後利用共同供應契約進行訂購,並於完成製作後,向環保署申請補助撥款及提報汰換成果。本年度共補助地方環保機關完成 331 輛各式容積密封壓縮式垃圾車之汰換訂購作業,累計自 96 年起環保署共補助 23 個縣市採購 1,086 輛密封壓縮式垃圾車。在研訂新型清運機具提昇清運車輛使用效益方面,本年度採購項目新增雙廂式垃圾車,可供地方環保機關明年(99 年)起訂購使用,具有節省清運人力、車次之效益。本年度亦配合 CO2 減量政策,探討採購液化石油氣(Liquefied Petroleum Gas, LPG)垃圾車之可行性,完成規格規範(草案)。此外,針對地方環保機關合法之條件下使用車後踏板之需求,亦完成垃圾車上下作業勞工之安全裝置改進評估,提供環保署與交通部及行政院勞工委員會研商訂定車後踏板安全規範與使用規定之參考。
EngTitle The Nation-wide Survey of the Garbage Collection Systems and the Planning for the Renewal of Garbage
EngAbstract The objectives of this project were to assist local governments to renew their refuse collection vehicles so as to maintain their capabilities of refuse collection services and to promote the efficiency for providing people a clean, sanitized and healthy environment to live in with better quality. This project was designed continuously to implement the “Program of financial assistance local governments to renew refuse collection vehicles” included in “General Waste Resource Recycling Promotion Plan”, approved by Executive Yuan in March 31st, 2007. This project contributed to promote the renewing progress and gave support to the EPA (Environmental Protection Administration) on the relative tasks. This project also drafted the specifications for new models, improvements on functions and safety requirements. This project was carried out from February 2009 to December 2009. This project finalized the bidding documents for vary capacities of rear loader refuse trucks with advisory supervision of the professionals. The bidding documents had been utilized for the invitation of tenders and the whole procurement procedures had been finished, in accordance with observing the principle of fairness and openness, together an inter-entity supply contract. In the meantime, local governments might deliver the renewal plans with request for financial assistance. As soon as the EPA approved the renewal proposals, local government might place the orders via the inter-entity supply contract. In this year, 2009, the EPA has granted procurements of 331 refuse trucks with vary capacities to local governments for renewing. And the granted procurements had been accumulating to a total of 1,086 trucks over the years from 2007 to 2009. A new model of dual-compartment rear loader refuse truck has been added to the procurement plan, and the local governments would soon have chance to order the new model for trying to improve their collection performances from 2010. According to the green gas reduction policy, the feasibility of procuring Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) refuse trucks has been investigated together with a draft of specification as outcome. Besides, a study on improving the safety of using riding steps also was been accomplished at the request to legally employ footboards. The outcome and suggestions would provide the basis for future discussions and negotiations on the revision of the related regulations with the related authorities including the Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MOTC) and The Council of Labor Affairs (CLA).
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 廢管處
ExecutingOrg 中興工程顧問股份有限公司