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Title 環保標章規格標準研(修)訂、驗證技術及環境效益評估專案研究計畫
Abstract 我國環保標章制度係於民國82年底開始推動,迄今已開放105項產品項目供廠商申請。歷年來環保標章產品規格標準之研擬,因為資源限制嚴謹度確有不足。本計畫之目標即為建立較完整之標準作業程序。本計畫完成工作包括: (1)蒐集國內外相關環保標章制度之篩選產品項目、研擬規格標準、規定測試方法等程序資訊並加以比較;(2)收集並研析國內外有關碳足跡標章制度、認證作業方式等資料並研提國內實施碳足跡標章制度之可行作法建議;(3)研析國內外環保標章之檢測方法;(4)檢討環保標章之行政管理制度;(5)研析完成20項以上國內環保標章產品之環境績效評量指標; (6)完成6項環保標章規格標準草案; (7)完成現有規格標準用詞一致化檢討、重金屬含量限值規定檢討及目前多項規格標準尚無產品申請原因檢討與建議; (8)完成其他行政配合事項。本計畫所達成之效益包括: (1)由全球大多數環保標章組織取得第一手資料; (2)建立較嚴謹規格標準開放程序; (3)完成未來優先開放30項產品之遴選與本年度11項產品之規格標準草案; (4)取得與上述產品相同或類似環境績效評量資訊與生命週期考量報告; (5)參考美國EPEAT計畫工具,針對3項示範性產品進行環境效益分析; (6)召開多次業界溝通會議、座談會、說明會等活動以展示我國環保標章之國際合作成果。
EngTitle Product Criteria increased and revised of GreenMark
EngAbstract Since the introduction of Green Mark Program in 1993, 105 product categories are now available for application. For the past years, due to budgetary constraint, the Green Mark product criteria drafting process was sometimes not adequately rigorous or transparent. The purpose of this project is to remedy this situation and establish a more complete and rigorous standard criteria development process.Under this project, the following tasks have been completed: (1) gathered information on processes and procedures for selecting product categories, developing criteria and specifying testing methods from other relevant foreign and domestic eco-labeling programs. Comparisons and analyses of gathered information were conducted; (2) gathered and analyzed 25 life cycle reports and 30 product environmental performance evaluation reports; (3) conducted 3 products’ environmental benefits analyses based on US EPA’s EPEAT program’s environmental benefit calculation tool; (4) drafted the “Operating Procedure for Selection and Offering of Green Mark Product Criteria” and the “Operating Procedure for Private Entities’ Proposal of Draft Product Criteria”; (5) proposed screening conditions for future candidate product categories; (6) drafted product criteria for 6 product categories; (7) reviewed standard language and contents of heavy metals in existing criteria, and analyzed 34 categories without qualified products, and proposed recommendations to deal with the situation; and (8) conducted miscellaneous administrative affairs.
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 管考處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人環境與發展基金會