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Title 高屏溪流域水污染源航照判釋及評析計畫
Abstract 高屏溪為台灣最大流域,流域內約54%被劃定為飲用水源保護區,為高高屏地區飲用水主要來源。因區域發展及人口成長,高屏溪近年來匯集了大量市鎮、畜牧及工業廢水,上游水源集水區也因果樹及檳榔樹之栽植等農業行為,帶來不同程度之污染,造成河川水質惡化而影響水體正常利用。有鑑於此,環境保護署國88年起推動「水源區養豬戶依法拆除補償計畫」,至90年底完成拆遷,削減豬隻47萬餘頭,削減率達98%,對水質改善已有極大助益,為維持計畫之成果環保署並計畫每5年對上游養豬戶複查一次避免復養。   本計畫擬運用航照資料或衛星影像,結合各項污染源資料,進行判釋分析,提出潛在水污染源及水源區內豬隻可能復養場(區) 。研析環保署及相關單位歷年計畫與水質監測成果,估算高屏溪流域污染量,並提出後續水質改善策略建議及技術諮詢。更新「水源區養豬戶(場)航遙測影像應用系統」及新增功能,以三度空間互動式視覺展示模擬系統呈現並完成系統操作人員訓練。
EngTitle Project for Aerial Photo Interpretation and Analysis of Water Pollution Sources in KaoPing River
EngAbstract River Kaoping is the largest river in Taiwan. Within the basin, 54% is designated as the drinking water source protection area. It is the main source of water supply the area of Kaohsiung City, Kaohsiung County and Pingtung County due to regional development of population growth, increasing amount of waste water from the township, livestock and industry keep pouring into the River Kaoping. Farming activities such as fruit and beetle nut plantation creates various pollutions that cause deterioration of river water quality. For this reason, Environmental Protection Administration initiated the dismantling project which started in 1999 and completed in 2001. The result was a great improvement in water quality, given that 98% or 470 thousands of pigs were removed from the upper basin. In order to ensure the success of the project, this project was proposed to investigate the potential water pollution sources and possible pig farming spots, using aerial photos and satellite images and relevant data sets. Integrated Water Management Model (IWMM) was used to estimate the amount of pollution of Kaoping River basin and propose strategies for subsequent improvement on water quality. In this project, a three-dimensional display and simulation system was provided for further training, using the data collected in this project
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 水保處
ExecutingOrg 環球技術學院