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Title 濁水溪河口整體規劃專案工作計畫
Abstract 濁水溪是彰雲地區的重要河川,她孕育了彰化、雲林豐饒的物產與薈萃的人文。然而隨著兩岸及上、中、下游的人為開發活動及建設,濁水溪的自然、生態也逐漸改變。每年11月至隔年3月東北季風吹起裸露河床砂塵,對兩岸居民造成危害,濁水溪兩岸三面光生硬堤防、畜牧區廢水注入主河道,一再加劇破壞濁水溪自然生態環境。為改善逐漸被破壞的環境品質,營造出兼具生活、生產的生態永續長廊,還給彰雲地區清新健康的環境,本報告以環境保育林、人工濕地、自行車道及步道三大主軸進行整體規劃。 本案規劃範圍為濁水溪自強大橋至西濱大橋及濁水溪南北堤岸間高低灘地。經由實地訪查及分析,本報告針對三大主軸規劃簡述如下:一、環境保育林 本報告進行濁水溪兩岸植被調查,土地權屬調查,耕種作物調查,以規劃防風植栽位置。並提出南北兩岸保安林串聯、綠色堤防、田間綠籬、阻砂丘、西瓜田耕作管理等計畫及分期分區計畫。保安林串連將形成綿密防風綠帶,有效改善揚塵。二、濁水溪人工濕地 本報告進行大義崙及八角亭排水水質調查並提出水塘溼地、大義崙溼地、八角亭溼地等計畫。並進行人工濕地200m2示範施作。未申請耕作許可之河川公地逐年進行水塘及濕地復育,以逐漸減少裸露地。三、濁水溪步道及自行車道 本報告進行實地調查,運用綠色堤防計畫之堤頂腹地,提出濁水溪堤頂環狀自行車綠廊、濁水溪南北兩岸聚落田間自行車道規劃。並提出分年分區計畫推廣綠色運具及低碳深度旅遊行程。 本報告將運用生態規劃手法,營造綿密串聯的環境保育林,有效改善揚塵危害。逐年增加人工濕地水塘,有效減少裸露地範圍。運用自行車綠廊,串連地方資源成為深度旅遊遊程,創造地方綠色經濟。
EngTitle Comprehensive Planning of the Jhuoshuei River
EngAbstract Jhuoshuei River is one of the most important rivers in the central Taiwan. It nourishes the plentiful agricultural productions and magnificent culture of Changhua and Yunlin County. However, with human development along the river, the ecological environment has changed. Every year from November to March, the northeast monsoon brings dust from the sandbank to the nearby area causing damage. The hard embankment and the waste water from livestock industries have also damaged the environment of Jhuoshuei River region. In order to improve the environment of the Changhua and Yunlin area and create a productive, lively ecological corridor, a master plan is proposed including the Sand-Binding Forest,constructed wetlands, and bike/pedestrian trails.1. Sand-Binding Forest:A ground survey of area plants species, land ownership, and agricultural productions along the Jhuoshuei River was generated and used as a reference for the connection of the Sand-Binding Forest, green embankment, fugitive dust control and watermelon field management.2. Constructed Wetland:The water quality of the Dayilun and Bajiaoting drainages were monitored and analyzed providing the foundation for the later Shuitang, Dayilun and Bajiaoting wetland project. A 200 m2 wetland model was also built. In the future, the un-leased public land will become ponds and wetlands, gradually reducing the dust from the uncovered-land.3. Bike and Pedestrian Trails:The green embankment is proposed to replace the existing hard embankment. A bike and pedestrian trail loop is planned on the top of the green embankment and will connect to the rural trails along the Jhuoshuei River. Green transportation and the low-carbon in-depth trip is also suggested in the plan.In this report, this ecological plan is proposed to create an environmental protective forest to control the dust, to build ponds and wetlands to reduce the uncovered-land, and to encourage the in-depth trip via green bike trail.
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 生態社區推動方案室
ExecutingOrg 青境工程顧問有限公司