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Title 農業廢棄物產量推估模式建立暨縣市農業廢棄物回收再利用體系推動輔導計畫
Abstract 本計畫調查畜牧廢棄物及獸醫診療機構廢棄物產出、處理及再利用情形,藉以提出妥善處理之建議及措施。我國97年畜牧廢棄物中禽畜糞約234萬噸、死廢禽畜約5萬5千噸,死廢禽畜中的斃死豬項目尚有多項誘因,可能使斃死豬流入非法肉品加工體系。國內處理斃死豬技術以化製為主,國外依不同地區以掩埋、焚化、化製及鹼性水解等技術處理斃死畜禽。根據農委會資料,約90 %「死廢禽畜」採化製處理。惟化製三聯單之填報與查核未落實,使得斃死豬仍有非法流用之可能,本計畫建議應於「動物傳染病防治條例」增訂對養豬場之罰則,以強化化製三聯單管理機制。參考國外對獸醫診療機構廢棄物之管理作法,及考量國內寵物的龐大數量(約155萬隻貓狗),本計畫建議應階段性管理獸醫診療機構所產出之廢棄物。本計畫完成3縣市農業廢棄物減量再利用體系輔導、現勘輔導30場畜牧廢棄物相關業者、20場獸醫診療機構及相關公會。編纂「防範斃死豬非法流用宣導手冊」5千本、製作「防範斃死豬非法流供食用」宣傳布條5百幅及電視、廣播媒體宣導等相關宣導工作。辦理「農業廢棄物管理說明座談會」及「環保團隊養豬場稽查聯繫檢討會議」,廣納各界意見以利政策推動。
EngTitle The yield estimation model of agricultural waste establish and agricultural waste of city recycling
EngAbstract The present project surveyed the production, processing, and reusing of agricultural waste and waste from veterinary medical facilities, and suggested advice and measures for their proper processing.In 2008, Taiwan’s agricultural waste consisted of 2.34 million tons of livestock manure and 55 thousand tons of dead livestock. Of the dead livestock, the item of dead swine still posed many incentives, and could result in dead swine ending up in illegal meat processing facilities. Taiwan’s dead swine processing technology is mostly by rendering. Overseas countries also utilize technologies such as burying, incineration, rendering, and alkaline hydrolysis to process dead livestock.According to Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan data, approximately 90 % of the processing of “dead livestock” utilized the rendering method. However, the filling in and approval of triplet forms were not implemented which brought about the possibility of illegal circulation of dead swine. The present project advised increase penalty for livestock farm on “Statute for Prevention and Control of Infectious Animal Disease” to strengthen the management mechanism of triplet forms. With reference to waste disposal management methods of overseas veterinary organizations and in consideration of Taiwan’s huge pet quantities (approximately 1.55 million cats and dogs), the present project advised interim management for wastes generated by veterinary organizations.Complete agricultural waste reduction and reuse system counseling for the three counties and cities. Onsite counseling for 30 agricultural waste related parties, 20 veterinary clinical institute and related associations. Complete the publication of “Prevention of Illegal Use of Dead Swine” 5000 copies, production of 500 “Prevent Illegal Use of Dead Swine for Food” propaganda banners, and related television and media propaganda work. Hold “Agricultural Waste Management Seminar” and “Environmental Protection Team Swine Farm Survey Review Conference”, and listen to opinions from different sectors for policy implementation.
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 廢管處
ExecutingOrg 晶淨科技股份有限公司