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Title 98年度及99年度「資源回收再利用整合推動及績優事業評選計畫」
Abstract 本計畫工作成果可分為三大項說明:(一)落實推動資源回收再利用,展現執行成果: 完成「97 年度資源回收再利用年報」及「97 年資源回收再利用推動計畫成果報告」之撰寫, 協助擬定「99 年至100 資源回收再利用推動計畫(草案)」, 並召開一次委員會與一次業務檢討會會議, 同時亦已完成累積至少8 次以上之定期維護、網頁內容更新,以利各界參採使用、(二)推動事業廢棄物再利用及再生資源項目之管理: 進行含有稀有金屬事業廢棄物再利用分析(煉油產業、面板產業、半導體產業)、不適合再利用之事業廢棄物種類評估[廢酸洗液2 鋁二級冶煉程序集塵灰、廢顯/ 定影液、電弧爐煉鋼爐碴 、漿紙污泥]、再生資源項目及管理方式分析(廢酒糟、酒粕、酒精膠);並召開一場講習座談會;並與業者進行訪談、(三)辦理事業廢棄物與再生資源清理及資源減量回收再利用績效優良獎評選: 完成年度績優事業評選之初評與複評相關作業, 確定98 年度獲獎事業結果為16 家特優及3 家優等, 完成98 年度獲獎事業之頒獎典禮與三場次之觀摩研討會,並完成98 年度績優事業專輯之彙編, 評選之相關資訊亦放置於全國資源回收再利用資訊網供瀏覽與下載
EngTitle 2009-2010 Integration, Promotion, and Appraisal of Excellent Performance on
EngAbstract The project “2009-2010 Integration, Promotion, and Appraisal of Excellent Performance onResource Recycling and Reuse” consisted of three main components. And the achievements oneach component are listed below:1. To implement the promotion of resources recycling and reuse with perfect results.(1) Compiling and edited the“2008 Yearbook of Resources Recycling and Reuse"(2) To compiled the achievements of this project performed by the participated in 2008. Toexamine this project and to revise it for 2010-2011.(3) The Renewable Resource Recycling and Reuse Promotion Committee held one committeemeeting in 2009. And one workteam meeting was called in 2009.(4) To maintain the national resource recycling information website at least 8 times and helpthe content fresh to public.2. To promote industry waste reuse and renewal resources management.(1) To analyze three reused industrial wastes that contain rare metal.(2) Evaluating industrial wastes which may not be suitable to reuse.(3) Analyzing three items reusable resources and the management mechanism.(4) To hold a big seminar for industrial sector and interact with this sector by visiting them.3. Ranking the industrial performance in the categories of waste disposal, resource minimization,reusing and recycling and awarding the outstanding companies.(1) To accomplish the performance evaluation by experts, scholars, and regulatory authoritiesand the EPA. Nineteen enterprises were awarded as the final result. The relevantinformation was posted on our website.(2) To prepare “Year 2009 Award Winners’ Fact Summary for Excellent Performance in WasteDisposal, Resource Minimization, Reuse and Recycling".(3) Holding a public award ceremony to honor award winners for their excellent performance.Held three conferences to promote and encourage industry sectors to achieve waste control,reduce and reuse, waste management and recycling.
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 廢管處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人環境資源研究發展基金會