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Title 98年二手電腦回收轉贈作業專案工作計畫
Abstract 爲滿足消費者的需求,資訊產業不斷研發出高品質及新功能的產品,導致產品快速地汰舊換新。以個人電腦為例,平均使用年限僅4-6年,大量的報廢品常被任意閒置,產生污染物質擴散的問題。行政院研考會 97年的「數位落差調查報告」顯示,數位落差造成社會貧富不均,進而形成新的社會階級鴻溝。因此,藉由二手電腦的資源回收原形重組再利用,縮減我國的數位落差,實為本計畫的目標。本團隊依據以往實際操作的經驗,持續深耕二手電腦轉贈之效益,著重輔導重點偏鄉學童與結合社會資源,落實資源回收再利用的環保教育目標。以轉贈350台再生電腦為目標,偏遠地區學校或弱勢族群為重點對象,提供學生接觸資訊科技之機會,並降低廢資訊物品對環境的污染。具體的工作內容包含建立二手電腦回收機制、組裝再生電腦、轉贈安裝再生電腦,以及宣導作業。基於過去實地操作二手電腦轉贈的寶貴經驗,重新設計包裝該社會工作。經研究推估得知台灣社會每年約有一萬台人次的中低收入學童需要再生電腦。2008年底的金融海嘯重擊,預期會有更多家庭因經濟條件趨於困苦而需要再生電腦的奧援。因此,希望能逐步建立一再生電腦供需的社會平台,結合政府及民間企業、社會人士的力量,深耕此一園地,以達永續發展的活水目的。
EngTitle 2009 Project for Recycling & Donating Used Computers
EngAbstract In order to meet the consumers’ needs, the information industry keeps producing products of higher quality and with newer functions, which shortens the life-cycles of products at the same time. Taking the personal computer as an example, the product’s commercial life is only about 4 to 6 years. A great amount of scrap is often discarded and gives rise to serious pollution problems. According to the 2008 “Report on the Investigation of the Digital Divide,” prepared by the Research, Development and Evaluation Commission of the Executive Yuan, the digital divide often results in a gap between the poor and the wealthy. Thus, the essential goal of this project was to bridge the digital divide by recycling and refurbishing the used computers and donating them to lower income students. After running the project for several years, making it much better with more benefits for those children in need has always been the key point. The project focused on the lower income students in rural areas and minority groups and it aimed to donate 350 refurbished computers. The donation of used computers might help those students gain easier access to information technology, and might also achieve the other goal of reducing the pollution caused by information products. The content of the project included the jobs of recycling, reassembling, donating and promotion. As a social project, it has been modified to make it a better one based on our previous valuable operating experience. Besides, the research also showed that around 10,000 lower income students need such used computers. With the unleashing of the financial tsunami at the end of 2008, we may predict that more and more families will want to have used computers. Hence, this project should move forward to a brand-new platform that combines the resources from government, enterprises and the general public step by step.
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 基管會
ExecutingOrg 社團法人台灣三益策略發展協會