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Title 推動產業非二氧化碳溫室氣體排放減量
Abstract 本計畫自2001年起持續協助行政院環境保護署(以下簡稱環保署)執行「推動含氟溫室氣體產業排放減量計畫」,促成環保署先後與台灣薄膜電晶體液晶顯示器產業協會(TTLA)及台灣半導體產業協會(TSIA)簽署PFCs自願排放減量合作備忘錄(MOU),為環保署協助國內產業協會積極因應溫室氣體排放減量的先例。本年度計畫執行成果可分為五大主軸說明︰(一)彙整分析N2O、CH4等管制及減量資訊,研擬我國工業部門減量策略本計畫完成國內N2O、CH4排放源及排放量等基礎調查工作,並現場訪視12家食品業及工業製程相關廠商,研擬我國產業N2O及CH4減量策略及優先順序。針對N2O及CH4等溫室氣體減量技術資訊方面,本計畫已蒐集CDM方法學中有關硝酸製程對副產品N2O的減量計畫,及N2O的破壞減量技術,主要包含燃燒破壞與觸媒氧化。而在CH4減量技術資訊方面,本計畫已蒐集CDM方法學中關於工業製程CH4的排放減量技術,以天然氣管線加速更新為主,主要採用聚乙烯管取代舊的鑄鐵管或無陰極保護之不鏽鋼管,可減少天然氣分配網管線的洩漏。(二)推動我國主要含氟溫室氣體產業之自願減量工作,研擬減量優先順序本計畫已完成2008年及2009年各35廠次光電及半導體協會會員廠商之溫室氣體減量之第三者查證作業,並協助廠商將查證結果上傳至國家溫室氣體登錄平台。TTLA自2005年至2009年,含氟化物減量達2,800萬噸CO2e,而TSIA自2000年至2009年,其含氟化物減量亦達1,800萬噸CO2e,該兩協會含氟化物減量的成效相當卓著。本計畫亦舉辦1場「鎂合金產業SF6排放減量座談會」、3場「電力事業SF6回收技術座談會」及1場「推動台電公司與鎂合金協會SF6減量協議」研商會議,並成功促成台電公司與鎂合金協會於2010年9月1日簽署SF6減量合作備忘錄。(三)彙整分析產業含氟溫室氣體自願減量成果,建立相關減量技術資訊本計畫已完成國內TFT-LCD產業蝕刻製程SF6使用情境、削減程序分析和經濟效益評估,以及此產業各世代SF6減量後排放強度趨勢分析,並藉由實際檢測資料來推估蝕刻製程SF6破壞去除率和製程利用率之相對誤差值。於派員參與國際會議方面,本計畫已參加世界半導體技術藍圖2009年及2010年會議、世界半導體環安工作小組會議及世界半導體環安工作小組2010年第一次會議,出國已達4人次,藉以蒐集國際最新含氟溫室氣體減量資訊,做為政策研擬與規畫之參考。(四)建立光電、半導體業之溫室氣體排放強度(草案),並推動電子業碳足跡查證案例針對光電及半導體產業溫室氣體排放強度部份,本計畫分別辦理5場次的排放強度研商會議,並研擬光電及半導體產業歷年的溫室氣體排放強度中位值及計算準則,提供環保署研擬政策之參考。另針對電子產品碳足跡查證部份,本計畫協助友達光電之電視機終端產品取得PAS 2050之碳足跡查證聲明,亦參與英國皇家認可委員會(UKAS)的產品碳足跡認證標準試行計畫,此為全球唯一參與此計畫的電子業者,並於2010年6月10日通過認可。本計畫辦理1場次「電子業自願性溫室氣體減量研討會」,邀集美國環保署的資深經理Scott Bartos與會分享美國含氟氣體的管制趨勢;並辦理1場次「全球高科技產業氣候保護論壇」,邀請大氣NF3及CFCs量測權威Dr. Ray Weiss(美國加州大學教授)及美國環保署的資深經理Scott Bartos進行專題演講及交流,提升我國高科技產業對溫室氣體減量之能力及視野。(五)其他行政配合及宣導本計畫亦持續更新網站、編撰5期中英文電子報、印製SF6減量技術手冊及含氟溫室氣體減量成果等文宣資料,並於國內及國際研討會中發表4篇我國產業非二氧化碳減量成果,積極宣導並擴散非二氧化碳減量的相關資訊。
EngTitle Promoting Reduction on Industrial Non-CO2 greenhouse gas emission program
EngAbstract The project of promoting the actions for the emission reduction of fluorinated greenhouse gas has been started execution since 2001 in Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration(TEPA). TEPA signed MOUs with Taiwan TFT LCD Association(TTLA)and Taiwan Semiconductor Industry Association(TSIA). The two associations have been endorsed for voluntary reduction on PFCs and become precedents for TEPA in actively assisting domestic industry associations for GHGs reduction. This year the implementation of project can be concluded following:(一) Investigating and analyzing the status of CH4 and N2O emission and studying emissions reduction strategies in related industries.This project was implemented to investigate industry emissions of N2O and CH4. Twenty food producing industries were surveyed in order to draw up strategies and an order for reducing the N2O and CH4 produced in Taiwanese industries. In accordance with current information regarding N2O and CH4 reduction technology, this project researched and collected CDM methods information of N2O byproducts produced by nitric acid manufacturing and technology employed to destroy N2O including combustion and catalyst oxidation. Regarding CH4 reduction technology, this project examined emission reduction technologies from chemical manufacturing and leak avoidance when utilizing a natural gas distribution grid by replacing old cast iron or steel pipes. (二) Promoting voluntary reduction of fluorinated gas emissions in the electronic industry and studying the reduction schemes In activities concerning the voluntary reduction of emissions, this project approached thirty five factories in the TFT-LCD and semiconductor industries in GHG verification by the third party and registry to the Taiwan EPA GHG Emission Registration system. From 2000 to 2009, these two associations accomplished 46,000,000 tons CO2e reduction of fluorinated gas emissions, their performance is significant and praiseworthy. This project also held a voluntary SF6 emission reduction Symposium for the Magnesium industry, in addition to three conferences for the Power industry and MOU meetings, which encouraged Taiwan’s Power Company to cooperate with the Magnesium industry by recycling SF6 waste. Eventually, on September 1, 2010 Taipower signed a cooperation agreement for SF6 emissions reduction with Taiwan’s magnesium association. (三) Analyzing the TFT-LCDs and semiconductor industries achievements in fluorinated gas emissions reduction and in establishing reliable information for the reduction technologiesIn analyzing fluorinated gas reduction achievements, this project analyzed the SF6 usage trends, emission reduction processes, economic benefits, emission intensity and uncertain factors in the etching process. Four staff members were appointed to participate in two meetings of the ‘International Technology Roadmap’for semiconductors and WSC ESH in 2009 and 2010 and also in the 2010 ITRS to search international information regarding fluorinated GHG reduction. (四) Establishing emission factors in the TFT-LCD and semiconductor industries and promoting the verification of carbon foot-prints in the electronic industriesThis project held five meetings of PFCs emission intensity in TTLA and TSIA to study the calculation rules. This project was assisted by AUO Corporation, the first corporation to participate in the UKAS carbon footprint pilot project. It received a third party statement of its carbon footprint in June 10, 2010. This project held‘Voluntary GHG Emission Reduction Conferences for the Electronics Industry’and‘Exploring Post-2010 Opportunities for Climate Production Cooperation’. It also invited the senior project manager of the U.S.A’s EPA strategy planning, Mr. Bartos, to discuss the inventory and emission reduction trends required to assist domestic high-tech industry in reducing their GHG emissions. Professor Weiss was the invited guest at this meeting; his specialty is in the measurement and quantification of atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gas emissions. Mr. Bartos and our industrial representatives along with our related experts and scholars started the forum discussion.. The major discussion issues included; international climate protection and greenhouse gas management; industrial greenhouse gas emission management and the cooperative mechanism for emissions reduction amongst industries and their suppliers along with other issues. (五) Other administrative coordination and guidanceFurthermore, this project has continued to update the non-CO2 website and has produced five numbers of non-CO2 e-paper in addition to publishing two brochures pertaining to SF6 reduction technology and Taiwan’s fluorinated greenhouse gas emissions reduction performance. This project has also published four papers in conference to show the Taiwan’s non-CO2 reduction performance.
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 溫室氣體減量管理辦公室
ExecutingOrg 財團法人工業技術研究院