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Title 溫室氣體排放減量抵換機制建立及案例分析追蹤計畫
Abstract 本計畫分析歐盟、加拿大、美國東北州區域、美國西部及美國加州等國家與地區對於溫室氣體抵換規範、抵換比例之限制、實施對象、適用門檻及抵換方案,並應用MARKAL-MACRO分析模式結合計量經濟模式評估不同境外抵換比例,對於經濟、社會及環境的衝擊影響程度。在評估不同境外抵換比例對於經濟(以邊際減量成本、國民生產毛額與物價水準為指標)、社會(就業率與國民健康為指標)及環境(空氣品質、水質水量與土地利用變動指標)衝擊方面,模式分析結果顯示,四種(35%、40%、50%、60%)境外抵換比例的減量情景,推估於2006~2025年,以CDM專案作為抵換額度來源之GDP年平均成長率損失介於0.71%~0.95%之間 (以CDM價格US$22/t CO2e估計),境外抵換比例越低,GDP損失越大;再結合「計量經濟模型(econometric model)」分析結果,整體而言,境外抵換比例愈低,雖較不利經濟構面,但長期而言卻有利於能源安全、水資源安全及人體健康安全等環境效益。有鑑於我國環評審議作業已將溫室氣體列為重要審議項目,重大開發案亦被要求需執行溫室氣體盤查登錄與減量,因此本計畫參考美國、澳洲、加拿大等國家對於開發行為溫室氣體管制方式,規劃環評溫室氣體審查及監督作業程序並研擬開發行為溫室氣體排放增量評估及抵換規範指引(草案)。另外亦協助環保署完成10件環評個案溫室氣體增量評估與抵換規劃之審查與3件個案的追蹤查核。
EngTitle The Establishment of Carbon Offset Mechanisms and the Examination of Green-house Gases Emission Redu
EngAbstract This scheme is to collect some countries’ information about the offset system for greenhouse gas (GHG) on the program rules, the allowance proportion of GHG offset, eligibility criteria, and the cases of offset projects. These data and information were collected from the countries including the U.S.A., Canada, Australia, and the European Union. To analyze the effects in economics (using the index of marginal decrement cost, gross national products and price level), society (index of employment and health), and the environments (index of air quality, water quality, and effects of land-use), MARKAL-MACRO Analysis Model combined with Econometric Model are used in this study. The results reveals that the averaged loss of annual growth rate in GDP (based on the carbon price US $22/t-CO2e), in the duration of 2006~2025, is from 0.71% increased to 0.95% as the carbon offset proportion is from 60% reduced to 35%, that is, the lower the carbon offsets from out-of-state the greater in GDP loss. However, for national long-term benefit, higher proportion of carbon reduction in the state (or lower GHG offset from abroad) will be beneficial to national energy security, water safety and human health.The Committee of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIS) has made greenhouse gas emissions an integral part of assessing environmental impacts, moreover, the significant exploitation projects will be requested to take GHG emission inventory, register and reduce emissions. Refer to the GHG management systems of the U.S.A., Canada, Australia, and the European Union, this scheme establishes the examination procedures and monitoring programs of greenhouse gas (GHG) emission for exploitation project in the EIS procedure. Besides, “The Guidelines of Assessing Incremental Emissions and the Use of Carbon Offset for Exploitation Projects” is drafted. This scheme had examined 10 projects on its GHG emission assessment applying in EIS. There were three projects on sites to be supervised and watched over on its commitments of GHG emissions.
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 溫室氣體減量管理辦公室
ExecutingOrg 國立中央大學