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Title 98年度綠色包裝設計推動計畫
Abstract 本計畫蒐集包括中國、美國、加拿大、歐盟與日本等國之政府及產業之包裝減量及綠色包裝設計推動措施及案例、並參酌各國推動經驗,於蒐集分析各國綠色包裝設計評估程序及工具軟體(COMPASS與PACK-IN)與包裝材料及其生命週期環境衝擊盤查資料(日本JEMAI-LCA Pro資料庫)後,修訂我國綠色包裝設計評估程序與工具軟體開發建置作業。在推動作業部分,本計畫於完成5家廠商配合辦理評估程序與工具試行作業後,另邀集5家液晶螢幕面板與筆記型電腦廠商參與自發性包裝減量協議簽署與活動發表會。另藉由再設計包裝評選活動的辦理(合計70組作品參選)、綠色包裝宣導手冊的製作與綠色包裝研習會的辦理,強化綠色包裝宣導工作。本計畫建議未來持續推動輔導業者試行綠色包裝設計評估工具與擴大簽署自願性減量協議工作,並由業者提報推動成果,確保產業持續導入綠色包裝設計工作。另建議研擬推動綠色包裝標章方案,提供做為未來全面性推動綠色包裝設計與包裝減量工作之輔助機制,同時配合各種活動邀請各國相關單位參與,以加速包裝管理工作推動,除可宣導我國推動成果與保障我國產業利益外,並實質達成包裝源頭減量工作。
EngTitle 2009 Green Packaging Design Promotion Project
EngAbstract The implementations of green packaging and packaging source reduction in China, US, Canada, EU and Japan were investigated. Green packaging evaluation procedures and tools, such as COMPASS of US Sustainable Packaging Coalition (SPC), Pack-In of UK EnviroWise and life cycle assessment inventory database likes LCA Pro of Japan, were analyzed and applied into the re-formulation of Taiwan Green Packaging Evaluation Procedure and its tool programming. To enhance green packaging during industries / business product packaging design stage, there were 5 industries / business joining pilot project and their feedbacks on the procedure/tool were referred during the tool developing. Moreover, 5 industries from notebook computer and LCD display sectors were successfully reached a voluntary packaging reduction agreement with Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration (TEPA). To promote green packaging, tasks like 2009 Green Package Design (70 sets participation), green packaging design manual and workshop were implemented during the project period.Further collaboration of green packaging design evaluation pilot project and voluntary packaging source reduction between government and industries was suggested and thus the implementation of green packaging design could be confirmed via industries / business performance reporting. The evaluation proposal for green packaging design scheme was also suggested as the operative mechanism of green packaging design and packaging reduction tasks in the future. The function of the mechanism could be enhanced through international collaboration with various green packaging design contest or workshop. Thus, not only the packaging reduction, the green packaging promotion and industries / business interests could be reached.
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 廢管處
ExecutingOrg 永發環境科技管理有限公司