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Title 推動建置整合性環保複式動員系統規劃督導計畫-高雄市
Abstract 自民國98年2月起至9月本計畫全程共6個月,工作項目包括與民眾宣傳整潔美化、節能減碳之重要性,輔導、教導民眾使用「清淨家園顧厝邊綠色生活 (Ecolife)網」。推展清淨家園複式運動,鼓勵全民做環保。此外本計劃於3月份開課教導、輔導環保署於高雄市所聘請了58位整潔美化助理員,使其了解EcoLife的操作方式並確保他們完成每月所規定之工作項目。78場村里宣導說明會也辦理完成,所有民眾來自459個村里共計超過2295人參加。本計劃案也於計畫期間與高雄市環保局合作辦理相關環境衛生活動,提升環保署「清淨家園顧厝邊綠色生活 (Ecolife)網」曝光率、使得更多民眾知道、了解並使用EcoLife網,以提升台灣整體生活品質,確保居家周圍環境整潔,以達恬靜居家與寧適環境之目標。
EngTitle Promote the integration of environmental protection to build multiple-mobilization planning system supervision project-Kaohsiung City
EngAbstract This project started from February, 2009 to September, 2009 as total of 6 months. The main tasks of this plan included, promote the importance of creating cleanness environment, energy saving and carbon dioxide emission reduction. It also included propaganda of EcoLife website launched by the Environmental Protection Administration, provide guidance to citizens the use of EcoLife website, and make EcoLife popular and wildly used. Promote the integration of environmental protection to through multiple-mobilization system, encourage everyone put more efforts in environmental protection. Part of this plan included guiding 58 Environmental Supporters hired by Environmental Protection Administration, teaching them how to use EcoLife while making sure they do their job properly. There were a total of 78 speeches done within Kaohsiung City with more than 2295 audients from 459 different villages. Special event for “Earth day” was also held with the collaboration from Bureau of Environmental Protection Kaohsiung City to increase the popularity of EcoLife website, aims to improve the living standard in Taiwan, ensures cleanness of our environment, which creates a great place for us to live.
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 毒管處
ExecutingOrg 中華物業管理協會