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Title 海洋污染防治成效評析及資料庫管理系統功能檢討專案工作計畫
Abstract 蒐集國際海洋污染防治管制資訊及國際公約最新內容,評析聯合國海洋法公約第十二章內容,分析海洋法公約與海洋污染防治法之差異,提出海洋污染防治法之檢討建議。分析雲林離島工業區內事業許可申報原物料,海域水質檢測結果皆符合甲類海域水質標準。分析國內水質監測資料欄位種類與差異;完成海域水質監測資料建置流程;規劃「測站資料」與「監測資料」工作表,完成32,030筆水質監測資料。完成公私場所利用海洋設施輸送油作業查核表格研擬,完成5場查核。完成海洋污染防治各項許可申請與海洋監測表單規劃及表單填寫說明,規劃表單共10類。完成查核4場次海洋棄置作業,查核結果均符合海洋棄置許可內容。完成海洋棄置區範圍適當性檢討,提出建立選址準則、規範監測項目於許可管理辦法之修正建議。建議我國徵收海洋棄置費方式,提出主管機關執行人力衝擊分析,建議修正「海洋棄置費收費辦法」。完成「99年度海洋污染防治考核計畫」,提出各項考核指標,辦理現地考核作業;提出99年度海洋污染防治考評指標、評分標準及權重表。完成環境敏感指標(ESI)之魚類生物資源調查資料整合示範,充實環境敏感指標之海岸分類資料庫,建置台灣東部海岸分類調查及地理資訊系統圖層。完成油污染調查、ESI分類與現場調查手冊修正建議。蒐集中央與地方政府相關港口污染改善計畫,完成9個港口污染源調查。研擬港口污染改善計畫,並提出港區污染稽查計畫,規劃污染源稽查方式與稽查紀錄表單。辦理一場說明會。建置20噸以上我國船籍港船舶資料共有5984筆資料,完成資料庫查詢船舶廢油污水收受申報資料。完成EEMS海洋污染稽查處分之自動傳輸功能,定時交換EEMS的稽查處分資料。完成「水污染緊急應變通報系統」改版與程式撰寫,系統已上線使用。規劃海洋污染許可及網路申請(報)作業納入「空水廢毒管理資料系統(EMS)」,完成系統架構規劃。分析船舶未申報廢油污水自動篩選機制,納入船舶保險資料查詢系統。更新生物資源、人類利用資源、ESI調查成果。完成15種海運化學品緊急應變支援系統查詢功能。更新系統頁面設計,規劃新增系統功能:新增緊急通報資料的刪除、結報發送E-MAIL、通報/回報/結報案件登錄時間、船舶保險資料查詢。
EngTitle Project for the review of marine pollution prevention and strategy, renew of information management network
EngAbstract This report has gathered the most updated information on international marine pollution control and international conventions. From evaluation on Chapter 12 of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, and analysis on the differences between the Law of the Sea and Taiwan’s Marine Pollution Control Act (herein referred to as this Act), recommendations on regulation amendments have been proposed. Analysis on the raw materials specified in the permits of Yulin Offshore Industrial Park. Test results of the marine water quality are in line with Group A marine water quality standards. Various domestic water quality monitoring databases have been analyzed regarding the fields and types of databases in order to create an integrated system and to design worksheets format for the collection of information on monitoring station and monitoring data from various sources. In total, 32,030 sets of data have been transferred to the new integrated database. Check sheets have been developed to audit the public or private premises that use marine facilities to convey oil. This year five of Operation Directions audits have been conducted.Ten types of forms have been designed with detailed instructions for the application of marine pollution control permit and the report of ocean monitoring plan.Four audits of marine dumping activities have been conducted and the results are in line with the marine dumping permits. Marine dumping areas have been adequately reviewed for the amendment recommendations on site selection criteria and the monitoring items on the regulations governing permit applications. It is suggested to collect marine dumping fee after the impact analysis of human resources by the competent authority. Subsequently, the Regulations Governing the Collection of Various Marine Pollution Control Permit Application Fees shall be amended.The 2010 Marine Pollution Prevention Audit Plan was carried out. Auditing criteria have been proposed. In the second stage auditing, on-site inspection was organized. The auditing criteria, benchmarking and associated weighting table are then proposed for next yearly audit plan.Fish is chosen to demonstrate the data integration model for creating biological resource index as one of the Environmental Sensitivity Index (ESI). In order to enrich the database of coastline classification in ESI system, an investigation of coastline in eastern Taiwan has been conducted and thematic layers of Geographic Information System (GIS) have been created. The oil pollution investigation process, ESI classification and the manual of shoreline cleanup assessment technique have been reviewed and revised.The pollution improvement plans of ports have been collected from the central and local governments. The investigation of pollution sources of nine chosen ports is completed. Plans to improve port pollution are developed. Audit plans for port pollution is proposed. Auditing method and check sheets have been designed. A discussion meeting has been held. The information of ships of more than 20 tons and of domestic port registration are collected. 5,984 datasets have been established. The database is enriched so that one could check the amount of waste oil and wastewater discharged and received by each ship. The interface of Marine Pollution Control Management System (herein referred to as the Management System) and the Environmental Enforcement Management System (EEMS) is established to send automatically the information of marine pollution audit disposition to EEMS and to obtain regularly the information of audit disposition from EEMS. Water pollution emergency response system has been revised and put on line for use. The system integration framework is proposed to integrate the Management System into the Environmental Management System (EMS). Correlating the information of waste oil and wastewater reported by ship and its associated nationality registry, the system can automatically screen out those who do not report the amount of waste oil and wastewater. The information of each ship’s Marine Hull Insurance is added to the Management System. The ESI thematic layers are updated due to the expansion of biological resources and human-use resources.The marine chemical emergency response supporting system is added to the Management System and can provide information on 15 kinds of chemicals. The interface of the Management System has been redesigned to enhance its functions: addition of emergency notification information delete function, e-mail function of final reports, submitting time of notification, response and final report, as well as the search function of ships’ insurance information.
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 水保處
ExecutingOrg 環科工程顧問股份有限公司