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Title 98年度桃園縣空氣品質監測站操作維護計畫
Abstract 本計畫「98年度桃園縣空氣品質監測站操作維護計畫」以桃園縣政府環境保護局所設於桃園縣境內三民公園、蘆竹國小、內壢國中、新興國小及觀音工業區服務中心等地設置五座空氣品質自動監測站,及七處空氣品質人工監測站,分別位於如大園工業區服務中心、龜山工業區污水處理廠、楊梅圖書館、中壢檢驗科、桃園農工、蘆竹衛生所、內定國小為維護標的。為確保監測數據之可靠性與儀器之穩定性,各監測站依照標準程序進行定期維護保養,如雙週維護、月維護、季維護與年維護,與不定期故障排除與維修,以維持本計畫各站監測儀器之正常運轉;計畫期間並完成儀器功能檢查與測站績效查核等改善作業,以確保儀器持續正常運轉並預防缺失發生。本計畫年度各站監測結果,一氧化碳(CO)濃度以交通測站三民站最高為0.86ppm,一般測站最高為內壢站0.73ppm,最低為蘆竹站0.60ppm;二氧化硫(SO2)監測結果以工業測站觀音站測值為最高(9.3ppb),一般測站最高為蘆竹站7.8ppb,最低為內壢與新興站均為5.0ppb。其餘區域性污染物臭氧(O3)與懸浮微粒(PM10)各站濃度變化相近,O3與PM10濃度均以觀音站居高,其PM10為85μg/m3,O3濃度為25.8ppb,測得PM10濃度最低於三民站為47μg/m3,O3濃度最小為蘆竹站22.5ppb。人工站監測結果與成份分析顯示,以龜山站的TSP為85 μg/m3,硫酸鹽17.6μg/m3,硝酸鹽8.71μg/m3,落塵量17.7 公噸/平方公里/月為最高;近海大園站的氯鹽4.32 μg/m3為最高,交通量大的中壢站所測得的鉛0.447 μg/m3為最高。 本計畫目前使用中之儀器設備有70%皆已超出使用年限、僅30%的儀器設備是在使用年限內;若以儀器狀況來評估,則有76%的儀器設備屬在正常運作、17%的儀器屬於堪用、另7%的儀器設備建議汰舊換新,以新興與三民站建議汰換THC分析儀,而新興與內壢站建議汰換PM10監測儀。
EngTitle Air Quality Monitoring Site Operation and Maintenance in Taoyuan Country of 2009
EngAbstract The project of “Air Quality Monitoring Site Operation and Maintenance in Taoyuan Country of 2009” aims at five automatic continuing monitoring sites, which are locating in Sam-Ming park, Lu-Chu elementary school, Ne-Li senior high school, Sin-Sing elementary school, Guane-Ine industrial area, the other sites are seven artificial sites including in Da-yuan industrial area, Gui-Shan industrial area, Yun-Mei library, Chung-Li examine department, Taoyuan-Ron school, Lu-Chu sanitation clinic, Nei-Din elementary school. In order to make sure that both reliability of data and stability of instruments, various monitoring stations carry on the work of routine maintenance according to the standard procedure, example for weekly-twice maintenance, monthly maintenance, seasonal maintenance and yearly maintenance along with non-periodical trouble shooting and the recovery service, it is important to keep this project normally work. During this annual period, there are instruments functional checks and the survey station achievements checks and so on the improvement work for guaranteeing the instruments proceeding normally and preventing the flaw occurrence.This annual project for each station monitor results, the carbon monoxide (CO) stands highest as 0.86ppm of Sam-Ming site(traffic site) in all, for ambient monitoring sites stands high as 0.73ppm of Ne-Li site, lowest for 0.60ppm of Lu-Chu site; the sulfur dioxide(SO2) monitor result by the industrial station of Guane-Ine site measured the highest value(9.3ppb), the ambient ones stands high as 7.8ppb of Lu-Chu site, and the lowest for 5.0ppb for Sin-Sing sites. Other regional pollutant as ozone(O3) and suspended particulate matter(PM10) vary closely for each sites. Guane-Ine site measured highest its PM10 as 85μg/m3, O3 as 25.8ppb, lowest value obtained PM10 is 47μg/m3 of Sam-Ming site, the O3 is 22.5ppb on Lu-Chu site. The artificial sites demonstrate monitoring results and ingredient analyses, TSP is 85μg/m3, the sulfate is 17.6μg/m3, the nitrate is 8.71μg/m3, fall-dust is 17.7 ton/km2/month, these value stands for highest of Gui-Shan site; The closed offshore Da-yuan site stands chlorine salt as 4.32μg/m3 for highest, and high traffic flow near Chung-Li site has the lead as 0.447μg/m3 for highest value.The project of this year uses the instruments to have 70% at present all to surpass the service life. If appraised by the instruments condition, then there is 76% to be in the normal operation, 17% belongs serviceable, and 7% instrumentation equipment to suggest in addition selects exchanges old. What suggested to exchange includes in THC analyzer and PM10 monitoring apparatus for Sin-Sing, Ne-Li, and Sam-Ming sites.
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 桃園縣政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 國際環境科技有限公司