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Title 地表下污染物逸散之暴露量評估研究
Abstract 地表下土壤及地下水的污染,往往由於污染物特性、土壤質地、分層、地質構造的複雜,以及地下水流動等因素,造成複雜的污染物分布形態,例如存在於未飽和土壤及含水層中的自由相與殘餘相,以及溶解於含水層的污染團,會隨地下水的流動而移動。因此,評估具揮發特性污染物的逸散風險,需要考慮由土壤及地下水直接揮發,以及由地下水傳輸至污染場外後揮發至大氣或室內系統的影響。環保署「土壤及地下水污染場址健康風險評估評析方法及撰寫指引」中,分別建議污染物經由這些不同介質的氣體傳輸與暴露量之初步推算方法,並推薦一些解析模式與數值模式能夠於第二與三層次的風險評估中,進一步的分析污染氣體的暴露量,所以必須先行瞭解這些不同的公式與模式能夠應用的系統與限制,才能有效的分析污染物的逸散風險。本計畫目的為評析這些公式與模式的原理與使用限制,並應用現場的土壤氣體與污染特性資料,檢驗公式與模式及其參數的敏感性。本計畫將選擇Jury-finite source、Farmer、BIOSCREEN (或BIOCHLOR) 及MOFAT,進行污染物由土壤及地下水中的垂直向揮發,以及地下水傳輸至場區外的模擬分析之工具。公式與模式的選擇將針對污染場址的污染物與污染分布,適當的評選應用,並與前述環保署「土壤及地下水污染場址健康風險評估評析方法及撰寫指引」中的公式進行比較。此外,本計畫將配合現場數據的取得,驗證模式、調整參數、分析參數敏感度及進行更深入的污染暴露量分析。
EngTitle Study on exposure assessment for vaporization of subsurface contaminant
EngAbstract Volatile contaminants can present in the subsurface with a variety of types, including free and/or residual nonaqueous phase liquid (NAPL), sorbed, vapor and dissolved phases. Contaminant vapors emanating from NAPL, sorbed and dissolved phases pose a human health and environmental risk and should be assessed by a rigorous way. Environmental Protection Agency in Taiwan provided a guideline on risk assessment and methodology for contaminated subsurface and groundwater. Human exposure to the vapors are catalogued into three pathways: vapors emanate from soil (surface, shallow or deep soils), from dissolved phase plumes and dissolved phase plumes transport to downstream and then vaporize to ground surface. Exposure amount of the vapors from these pathways, as suggested in the guideline for the first and second tiers of risk assessment, were estimated by some empirical or theoretical methods without considering complexity of environmental system. Some analytical and numerical models were also suggested for the second and third tiers of risk assessment. These methods and models need to be assessed for their theoretical background, limitations and restrictions to adequately apply them to contaminated sites.This project aims at assessing these methods and models for analyzing exposure pathways and amount of vapors emanating from contaminants in the subsurface. Analytical models, including Jury-finite source, Farmer, BIOSCREEN (or BIOCHLOR), and a numerical model, MOFAT, will be used to assess emission rate of contaminant vapor and depletion of contaminant source from different sources and pathways. Several sets of soil gas data obtained from different contaminated sites and provided by MWH will be used to adjust model parameters, calibrate these models and assess model performance. Model parameters will also be tested for their sensitivity on model result to assess sensitive ones required from field study. This work can give valuable insight into model application to the exposure assessment of contaminant vapors emanating from contaminated subsurface and groundwater
ProjectYear 099
SponsorOrg 土污基管會
ExecutingOrg 逢甲大學