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Title 99年度雲林縣離島工業區揮發性有機物監測及有害污染物調查計畫
Abstract 本計畫於99年10月13日開始執行,工作規劃內容包括針對離島工業區鄰近敏感點位進行紅外線連續監測(OP-FTIR)共計90天,及針對本縣20鄉鎮及鄰近離島工業區之四所學校進行有害污染物檢測作業,有害污染物檢測作業內容包括有:揮發性污染物(VOCs)、多環芳香族化合物(PAHs)、重金屬、酸鹼氣體與微粒、極易揮發性有機物等。藉著由本計畫之有效執行,建立離島工業區鄰近敏感點位之背景濃度資料,以作為後續監測資料比對之依據,進而瞭解離島工業區對其鄰近區域之影響程度。
EngTitle The plan of volatile organic compounds monitoring and the harmful pollutants examination in the No 6 Formosa Petrochemical Plan in Mailiao Industrial Site in year 2010
EngAbstract This project started on October 13th 2010 and it contained following working targets including the 90 days' continuously Open Path FTIR (OP-FTIR) infrared monitoring (OP-FTIR) in the No 6 Formosa Petrochemical Plan in Mailiao Industrial Site , and the analysis of harmful pollutants examination at 20 villages and 4 schools of Yulin county close to the off-shore Island's industrial district. The harmful pollutants examination contents included: Volatile organic compounds (VOCs), multi-link aromatic compounds (PAHs), heavy metals, acid and alkali gas and particles and extremely easy volatile compounds and so on. The main purpose of this project is firstly to establish the background data in sensitive sites of the off-shore Island's industrial district for the future follow up comparative monitoring and secondly to understands the impact of pollutants coming from off-shore Island's industrial district.
ProjectYear 099
SponsorOrg 雲林縣環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 祥威環境科技有限公司