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Title 98年度彰化縣加強街道揚塵洗掃計畫
Abstract 彰化縣環保局98年度彰化縣加強街道揚塵洗掃計畫,自98年5月28日起至99年3月31日止,本年度主要工作項目包括辦理洗掃街作業、街塵負荷分析作業、現場查核作業、道路普查作業、宣導說明會相關作業、緊急支援作業等十餘項,執行期間承蒙環保署、環保局及多位學者專家給予之指導、建議與監督考核,使各項作業執行與進度均能符合原先之規劃,各項工作皆已達成預定目標。而各項作業之執行內容簡述如下:1. 洗街車平均用水量1.052公噸/公里。2. 掃街車垃圾塵土平均蒐集量為3.44公斤/公里。3. 配合環保署、環保局所發佈之空品惡化通報,緊急調洗 街車加強測站附近道路清洗作業9次。4. 緊急支援髒污路段洗掃兩次。5. 每月執行現場查核4次,計畫執行期間共完成現場查核160次。6. 配合環保局舉辦委員現場查核4次。 各項工作項目執行情形簡述說明如下:1. 洗街作業 本計畫執行期間洗街長度達到24,818.94公里。 2. 掃街作業 本計畫執行期間掃街長度達到29,088.72公里。3. 街塵負荷分析作業 完成10次街塵負荷採樣分析。 4. 現場查核作業 計畫執行期間共計完成160次現場查核作業。5. 道路普查作業 今年度計畫每月皆查核九條道路,總計完成90道路普查作業。6. 宣導說明會相關作業 完成洗掃街相關宣導摺頁印製1000份及宣導海報200份。7. 空品惡化緊急應變作業 配合環保署、環保局所發佈之空品惡化通報,緊急調派洗街車加強測站附近清洗作業9次。8. 緊急支援作業 支援非本計畫執行路段之髒污路段清掃作業兩次。9. 即時定位系統 洗掃街車每日出勤記錄皆以衛星定位系統記錄行車軌跡,每三十秒記錄一次,記錄資料包括車速、UTM座標、時間、鄉鎮市及道路名稱等。10. 道路認養 完成30家企業道路認養的目標。11. 新聞稿見報率 發布4則新聞稿,每則均見報。12. 網頁更新維護及洗掃街工作成效資料庫成果資料建檔 每月完成一次網頁更新維護作業及洗掃街工作成效資料庫成果資料建檔。13. 垃圾丟包、分隔島髒污及道路破損通報 計畫期間完成垃圾丟包93次、分隔島髒污40次及道路破損26次通報。
EngTitle 98 year Changhua County plans to enhance street sweeping dust
EngAbstract In addition to the above, the program this year also completed the following work items:1. The average water street washing vehicles 1.052 tons / km.2. Van amount of garbage collected dust on average 3.44 kg / km.3. With the EPA, Environmental Protection Agency issued the air quality deterioration in communications,emergency deployment of street washing station near the car wash operation to strengthen 9.4. Two dirt roads for emergency support.5. Implementation of on-site inspection four times per month, plans were completed on-site verification during the implementation of 160.6. EPA site inspections conducted with members of four. Description of the work situation of project implementation as follows:1. Operation of street washing This project was implemented 24,818.94 kilometers length of street washing, the rate reached 113%.2. Street sweeping operations Sweep the streets during the implementation of this project length of 29,088.72 km to reach a rate of 104%.3. Street dust load of work Completed 10 road dust load sampling and analysis.4. On-site audit work During the project period to complete a total of 160 on-site audits.5. Road survey work Plan to check every month this year are nine roads to complete a total of 90 road census operations to a complete grasp of the status of implementation of the road..6. Relevant operational guidance meeting Completion of folding printed propaganda posters 1000 and 200.7. Deterioration of air quality emergency response operations With the EPA, Environmental Protection Agency issued the air quality deterioration in communications, emergency deployment of street washing station near the car wash operation to strengthen 9.8. Emergency support operations Support non-implementation of this project, the dirt road section of clean-up operation twice.9. Real-time location system Car cleaning and washing daily attendance records tailor driving track record of satellite positioning system, each 30 seconds record time, record data, including speed, UTM coordinates, time, townships and road name, etc.. As a reference the approved number of one kilometer.10. Road adoption 30 enterprises completed road adoption goals.11. Reported by the press release rate Completion of four press releases, there are the newspapers.12.Website maintenance and update the effectiveness of cleaning and washing the outcome of data entry database Web page updated monthly Jieyou complete operation and maintenance of the effectiveness of cleaning and washing the outcome of data entry database.13. Garbage packet loss, dirt and road damage separate notification Island Project completed during the garbage packet loss 93 times, separating the island dirt road 40 times and 26 times dirty.
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 彰化縣環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 東禾工程顧問有限公司