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Title 籌辦兩岸大氣與海洋環境管理學術研討會
Abstract 為推動兩岸大氣及海洋環境學術研究交流,邀請兩岸具有實務經驗的知名專家學者,依主題分別舉辦各一場次學術交流會,藉以提升兩岸的能力建置與合作機會,以下簡要說明兩場會議之成果說明: 『海峽兩岸海洋論壇-海洋環境管理學術研討會』於2010年3月29、30日在集思台大會議中心舉辦,邀請兩岸海洋專家學者代表,針對九大議題(海洋污染政策及緊急應變之執行、海洋環境監測、海洋功能區劃、致災藻類防治、海島可持續發展、海洋生態系統管理、海洋垃圾、海洋保護及海洋之碳封存及碳循環),廣泛交換及分享經驗,為海峽兩岸海洋科技交流做出重大貢獻。 『兩岸因應氣候變遷學術研討會』於2010年7月5、6日在台大醫院國際會議中心舉辦,邀請兩岸具有實務經驗的知名專家學者,針對「兩岸氣候變遷衝擊及因應對策」、「清潔發展機制推動政策與現況」、「氣候變化的科學問題及兩岸氣候變遷調適策略」等三大議題進行專題演講。此外,特安排於2009年代表台灣參加哥本哈根會議的青年環保大使,與陸方貴賓以對談方式汲取相關國際事務經驗。藉由本次會議,建構起兩岸因應氣候變遷議題之交流管道,強化了兩岸合作與交流機會。
EngTitle Organizing cross-strait Conference on Atmospheric and Marine Environmental Management
EngAbstract To promote cross-strait atmosphere and marine environmental academic exchanges, we held 「The first cross-straits ocean forum – the seminar of ocean environmental management」 and 「Cross-strait symposium in response to climate change」.The following brief description of two meetings results shows: The first cross-straits ocean forum – the seminar of ocean environmental management is sponsor by Environmental Protection Administration to be held in Socrates chamber of GIS-NTU convention center, Taipei, March 29-30, 2010. To invite cross-straits ocean expert scholar to represent, and focus on nine important issues, such as the performance of the ocean pollution policy and emergency response, ocean environmental monitoring, ocean zoning management and strategy, prediction of harmful algae blooms, island sustainable development, ocean ecosystem-based management, ocean refuse, ocean protection, and Gas Hydrate and CO2 Sequestration to study and discuss. And the expert’s forum aims at issues of ocean environmental management, coastal area planning impact by climate change, and cross-straits alternating current cooperates to exchange and share experience. It do major contribution for cross-straits ocean science and technology alternating current cooperation.
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 溫室氣體減量管理辦公室
ExecutingOrg 財團法人台灣綠色生產力基金會