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Title 臺南市九十八年度加強街道揚塵洗掃計畫
Abstract 根據環保署台南市台南及安南空氣品質自動監測站統計資料,98年兩測站PSI>100天數中,其中指標污染物為PM10的比率約71%,顯示懸浮微粒為造成本市成空品不良的主因。在環保署上位空品計畫中「加強街道揚塵洗掃計畫」之指導下,台南市環保局配合執行「台南市加強街道揚塵洗掃計畫」,特針對本市空品測站周邊及人口稠密處、交通流量大及具嚴重揚塵地區,優先執行機具與人力洗掃街作業及相關工作,期能紓解道路揚塵對本市空氣品質惡化之影響並有效提升空氣品質。
EngTitle 2009 'strengthen the wind-borne dust of the washing and sweeping street plan'
EngAbstract Based on the statistical data of the auto-monitoring air quality stations of EPA in Tainan city (Tainan and Annan), it was found the days with PSI more than100 of both stations were mostly caused by the PM10. The percentage of PM10 to be the predominant pollutants was 71%. Under the instruction of air quality improvement project established by the EPA, Taiwan, the Environmental Protection Bureau of Tainan city conducted the plan entitled ‘Intensification of street washing and sweeping for the removal of the wind-borne dust in Tainan’. This work set priority to wash and sweep the streets located at places around the air quality stations, with high population density and heavy traffic flow. Hopefully, the air quality of Tainan city could be improved through the implementation of this project.
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 台南市環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 群運環保股份有限公司