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Title 98年度嘉義市移動污染源稽查管制暨機車排氣檢驗站管理查核計畫
Abstract 移動污染源計畫於各項定量評估因子中污染分布特徵上之高污染車型(二行程車)及不合格之高污染車輛,經本計畫多年管制後確有得到降低,但因需車主意願決定而非法令可強迫之汰舊,所獲得之成效較有限,建議未來應在老舊機車排放濃度加強注意及注重改善維護,另一方面則建議提高每年到檢次數,促使老舊車輛汰換。而其他如減量效益或各使用群族之管制皆獲得相當不錯之效益,證明本計畫所推行之稽查管制措施有發揮功效。另一方面本計畫亦由民眾主觀之認知方面來評估計畫效益,因此有進行民眾電話訪問調查,其結果在檢驗站維修信任度及滿意度皆達到99%以上之肯定,證明本計畫在行政服務品質提昇上已展現相當好之成效。而且本計畫亦統計歷年民眾檢舉之案件,結果顯示由95年之338輛次逐年增加至98年之2,259輛次。探究原因,可能係目前檢測改善為氣狀污染物,而民眾主觀認知為機車排放白煙(固體狀),因此產生落差,未來應再增加固體物之檢測管制,使管制較符實際,經多年管制後已使民眾對於機車排氣污染有較深入了解且提高改善污染狀況之意願,也是一項相當不錯的效益。本報告資料統計日期自98年2月18日至98年12月31日止,主要工作執行成果分項說明如下,各項執行進度及效益說明如下:1、機車攔巡查作業截至98年12月31完成8,283輛次,其中攔查3,480輛次,巡查回覆4,803輛次,進度達成率為118.3%。嘉義市98年度1-12月份平均機車到檢率為85.78%於全國25縣市中暫居排名第1名。2、機車攔檢作業截至98年12月31完成機車路邊攔檢2,255輛次,不合格452輛次,攔檢天數為35天,平均每天攔檢車輛數為64輛次,攔檢不合格率為20.04%。攔檢不合格率路段以吳鳳南路輔仁中學前最高24.8%,其次為以世賢路一段地下道前24.5%。CO整體濃度之改善率約為56.6%,HC濃度改善率約為48.5%。攔檢排氣平均濃度統計,已定檢二行程CO平均濃度為3.15%,四行程CO平均濃度為1.12%,已定檢二行HC平均濃度為6,314ppm,四行程HC平均濃度為348ppm;未定檢二行程CO平均濃度為3.61%,四行程CO平均濃度為1.49%,未定檢二行程HC平均濃度為7,268ppm,四行程HC平均濃度為382ppm。另在統計攔檢不合格率,已定檢二行程不合格率為28.7%,四行程不合格率為6.2%,未定檢二行程不合格率為44.5%,四行程不合格率為10.7%。3、檢驗站查核評鑑截至98年12月31完成363家次之查核,進度達成率為100%,缺失中以儀器校正及檢驗操作類別最多。另尚有缺失多為未佩帶識別證、採樣管套不潔、過濾器不潔及檢驗過程車牌號碼輸入錯誤等項目。另有檢驗站在檢驗操作上有不熟練及資料不符之情事,經本計畫查核及要求改善後,大部分皆有改善,探究原因可能係其因檢驗人員疏忽,未來應加強檢驗人員之督導及輔導。4、車牌影像辨識系統作業截至12月31共計實施194點次之車牌辨識,完成有效照片稽查334,438輛次,屬本市未定檢車籍有效通知10,401輛次,有效通知率為3.11%,通知後完成定檢有8,460輛次,平均回覆率為81.3%;另經環保署機車定期檢驗資訊管理系統稽查資料交流平台外縣市稽查車籍屬本市回饋829輛,通知後完成定檢有584輛次,平均回覆率為70.5%,因車辨稽查車籍屬其它縣市車輛有9,513,通知後完成定檢有6,264輛次,平均回覆率為65.9%,整體車牌辨識通知20,743輛,回覆15,308輛,回覆率為73.8%。由車牌辨識系統稽查可發現本市因機車定檢率已屬高到檢,以致機車稽查有效率偏低,將鎖定使用中未定檢機車族群加強管制,期有效提高本市機車管制率。5、宣導活動作業截至98年12月31完成8場次宣導活動,並於活動中提供免費檢驗652輛次,經宣導檢驗有129輛次不合格,不合格率有19.8%,完成複驗改善有120輛次,複驗改善完成率為93%。於宣導活動中補助更換空氣濾清器114輛次,CO改善率63.7%、HC改善率48.2%。6、檢驗站品質管制為確實掌握各檢驗站檢驗情形,故安排實車查核,本計畫於5月份及11月份各進行實車查核1次,計完成66家次檢驗站秘密實車查核,其於查核都能符合作業程序,缺失部分已呈報備查,將依規定進行改善。另於4月25日進行乙次檢驗站分析儀線性(經確性查核),收集本市33家機車檢驗站至嘉義市柴油車動力計排煙檢測站進行精確性查核比對,本市機車檢驗站所使用檢驗分析儀經檢測大多符合精確性測試允差判定合格,唯I-17凱輪機車行經檢驗未通過精確性查核,經通知該站請儀器廠商進行線性調整,該站已於4月30日複檢合格。7、車輛原地噪音檢測本年共進行22輛次之檢驗,檢驗結果全部合格。由4/7-6/25共分5天檢驗,稽查地點為柴油車排煙檢驗站內廣場,算術平均噪音量為78dB(A)。另依車種分析,汽油車共計3輛,算術平均噪音量為71dB(A),機車共計18輛,算術平均噪音量為79dB(A),以機車噪音較高。8、機車檢驗站品質管制圖本計畫為確保檢驗站檢驗儀器正確性,透過品管圖作為品質控制的方法,利用管制圖可以顯示測定成果。管制圖是一般生產單位進行產品品質管控的一種工具,也可用於實驗室作為檢驗品質之管控,而構成管制圖的主要要素為中心線和管理界限線。管理界限線又可分為警告上下限及管制上下限,上下限是位於中心線標準差倍數的位置,用來進行誤差之排除。本次標準車建立,以078-DUB(山葉、101cc、四行程)作為測試車輛,該車出廠日期為2008年04月份,行駛里程數達3,000公里,車輛狀態穩定後,進行15次測試以訂定品管控制圖,本年度選定以本市機車檢驗站所使用檢驗分析儀不同廠牌及機型進行檢驗站品質管制圖製作,I01昇陽檢驗站HORIBA MEXA-441JA、I02宏嘉機車檢驗站碩傑EGA-300、I04嘉雲南機車檢驗站HORIBA MEXA-441JE、I08滿金機車檢驗站HORIBA MEXA-544JA、I17凱輪機車檢驗站富士ZKE OM4044T、I21百和機車檢驗站RIKEN RI803ET及I31環保局移定站RIKEN RI803ET等7家參與品質管制圖製作。9、2009第一屆台灣健康城市獎項評選 第一屆台灣健康城市獎項分為3大類議題,分別為健康城市卓越獎、創新成果獎及傑出貢獻獎。此次獎項申請十分踴躍,全國計有122件申請文件,初審邀集10位委員分成5組進行審查,推薦優良的相關文件進入複審,並由5位複審委員進行最後審定,複審結果獲獎件數為26件。嘉義市以嘉義市污染減量-嘉義市機車定檢到檢率連續9年拿下全國第一為題,提出報告申請角逐創新成果獎,嘉義市機車定檢到檢率連續9年拿下全國第一,為城市污染減量做了最佳示範,提供全體市民清淨、健康的生活環境,獲得複審委員高度肯定。評審委員指出,健康環境必須符合健康城市理念,並具有多元營造策略,具體展現營造成果且成效顯著,實屬不易。
EngTitle 2009 Chiayi City moving pollutant source reduction and motorcycle exhaust inspection statement’s management and inspection plan
EngAbstract Mobile pollution source project has reduced the high pollution vehicles (two-stroke motorcycles) and unqualified high pollution vehicles defined by the pollution distribution characteristics of each quantitative evaluation factors after years of control. However, it requires vehicle owner’s willingness for the decision rather than forced replacements by regulation, the achievements are limited. We suggest strengthen the attention on the exhaust concentration of old motorcycles and also the improvement and maintenance. On the other side, we suggest increase the on-site inspection numbers to force old vehicles to be replaces. From the aspects such as reduction effectiveness or the control on each using groups, it has very good effect and proves the check & control measures implemented by this project does has it performance. On the other side, this project also evaluates the performance of this project from the subjective cognition from citizens. Therefore, we have phone interview survey with citizens, and the result shows trusts and satisfaction toward the inspection station are both higher than 99%. It proves this project has shown a very good performance on the improvement of administrative service quality. Moreover, this project also calculated the reported cases from citizen for years. The result shows reported cases increased from 338 cases in 2006 to 2,259 cases in 2009. Looking into the cause, it may be that currently the test for improvement is for gas pollution, but citizens think motorcycles exhaust white smoke (solid) from their subjective cognition and therefore causes the difference. In the future, we should increase the control on solid object testing to have the control closer to citizen’s life. On the other hand, after years of control, it also has citizens have more understanding on motorcycle exhaust pollution and improve their willingness to help with the improvement on air quality. It is also considered a good benefit. The data statistic period of this report is from 2009/2/18 to 2009/12/31, achievements of the main task implements are illustrated respectively as follows including the progress and benefits:1.Motorcycle stop and inspection Until 2009/12/31, we have completed 8,283 motorcycles. Among them, 3,480 motorcycles were stopped and searched and 4,803 motorcycles were rechecked. Hit rate of the progress is 118.3%. The ratio of average motorcycles coming for testing from January to December, 2009 in Chiayi City is85.78%, listed No.1 among the 25 cities and countries in Taiwan. 2.Motorcycle stop and inspection Until 2009/12/31, there are 2,255 motorcycles stopped and checked on the road. Among them, 452 motorcycles failed the testing. Total on-road stop and check days are 35days with average 64 motorcycles stopped and checked everyday. The outage probability of stop and inspection is 20.04%. The section of Wufeng South Road before Fu Jen Catholic High School is with the highest outage probability of stop and inspection 24.8%, followed by the road before the underground passage at section 1 of Shixian Road 24.5%. The overall CO concentration improvement rate is about 56.6%, and HC concentration improvement rate is about 48.5%. As for the average exhaust concentration statistics of the stopped and searched motorcycles, the average CO concentration of annually checked two-stoke motorcycles is 3.15% and the average CO concentration of four-stoke motorcycles is 1.12%. The average HC concentration of annually checked two-stoke motorcycles is 6,314ppm and the average HC concentration of four-stoke motorcycles is 348ppm. The average CO concentration of unchecked two-stoke motorcycles is 3.61% and the average CO concentration of four-stoke motorcycles is 1.49%. The average HC concentration of unchecked two-stoke motorcycles is 7,268ppm and the average HC concentration of four-stoke motorcycles is 382ppm. Moreover, for the statistic figures of outrage probability, outrage probability of annually checked two-stroke motorcycles is 28.7%, annually checked four-stroke motorcycles are with 6.2%, unchecked two-stroke motorcycles are with 44.5% and unchecked four-stroke motorcycles are with 10.7%.3.Check and evaluation of inspection stations Until 2009/12/31, we have completed checking for 363 stations with hit rate 100%. For the flaws, most of them belong to the device calibration and inspection operation. Other flaws are mostly not carrying identification card, unclean sampling tubes, unclean filters and input error of motorcycle license numbers during test process, etc. Moreover, it also happened that staff in some test stations were not familiar with the test operation or had incorrect information provided. After checked and asked for improvement through this project, most of them have already been improved. Looking into the cause, it might be caused by the negligence of inspection staff. In the future, we should enhance the supervision and guidance on inspection staff. 4.License plate image identification system taskUntil 12/31, we have implemented license plate identification on 194 locations and effectively completed picture checking for 334,438 motorcycles.10,401 motorcycles belong to valid notification for unchecked motorcycles in Chiayi City and the effective notifying rate is 3.11%. There are 8,460 motorcycles which completed the annual inspection after receipt of notification with the average reply rate 81.3%. Moreover, based on inspection information exchange platform of the annual motorcycle inspection information management system of Environmental Protection Administration , the motorcycles checked out of but belong to Chiayi City are 829 motorcycles. There are 584 motorcycles completed the regular testing after receipt of notification with an average reply rate of 70.5%. The motorcycles checked in Chiayi City but belong to other cities are 9,513 motorcycles. 6,264 among them completed the regular test after receipt of notification with an average reply rate 65.9%. Overall motorcycles notified through license plate identification is 20,743 motorcycles, 15,308 of them have replied the notification with a reply rate 73.8%. Through the license plate identification system checking, we can find that motorcycle annual inspection rate in Chiayi City is high inspection rate which causes a relatively low effectiveness rate of motorcycle inspection. We will focus on the using but the unchecked motorcycles to strengthen the control in a hope of effectively improving the motorcycle control rate in Chiayi City. 5.Guidance activities Until 2009/12/31, we have completed 8 guidance activities and provided free testing for 652 motorcycles during the activities. There are 129 motorcycles which failed the guidance test with an outrage probability 19.8%. 120 motorcycles have improved and completed the second test with improve rate of second test 93%. There are 114 motorcycles which changed air filters during the guidance activities with the subsidy. CO improvement rate is 63.7% and HC improvement rate is 48.2%. 6.Quality control of inspection stationsIn order to truly control the test status in each test stat stations, we arranged the on-site motorcycle checking. We have implemented one on-site motorcycle checking in May and one in November through this project, and totally completed the secret on-site motorcycle checking at 66 stations. They all complied with the operational procedures when checked. Flaws are all reported for record and they will improve as regulated. We also have implemented one liner inspection on the analytical devices at inspection stations( accuracy check) on 4/25 by collecting 33 motorcycle test stations in Chiayi City to Chiayi City Diesel Vehicle Dynamometer Exhaust Test Station to process accuracy check and comparison. Most of the test analytical devices used at the motorcycle test stations in Chiayi City comply with accuracy check and qualify by the tolerance judgment exceptI-17 Kailun motorcycle shop. After notification to the station asking for the equipment vendor to process the linear calibration, the station has completed and passed the second test on 4/30. 7.Non-moving motorcycle acoustic test We have implemented the test for 22 motorcycles and all of them passed the test. The test was separated into 5 days during 4/7~6/25. The check locations were the squares at diesel vehicle exhaust test stations. The average acoustic is 78dB (A). Moreover, if analyzed by vehicle types, there are total 3 gasoline cars with average acoustic 71dB (A). There are total 18 motorcycles with average acoustic 79dB(A) which is higher than gasoline cars. 8.Motorcycle inspection station quality control chartIn order to ensure the accuracy of the test equipments at the test stations, this project uses a quality control chart as the quality control method and use control chart to present the inspection result. Control Chart is a tool for general production unit to proceed production quality control and it can be used in labs as the control of test quality. The main factors which consist of the control chart are the central line and management boundary lines. Management boundary lines can be separated as warning up and bottom lines and control up and bottom lines. Up and bottom limit are located at multiples of the standard deviation of the central line and are used to exclude the errors. The standard motorcycles for testing are decided as 078-DUB(YAMAHA, 101cc, four-stroke motorcycles). The motorcycle was manufactured in April of 2008 with driving mileages 3,000kms. After the status of the motorcycle is stable, we completed 15 tests to establish the quality control chart. In this year, the quality control chart of test stations is made according to the different brands and models of the test analysis equipments used at the motorcycle test stations in Chiayi city. And there are 7 test stations which participated in the making of quality control chart as follows: I01 Shengyang inspection station HORIBA MEXA-441JA、I02 Hongchia motorcycle inspection station, Shuojie EGA-300, I04 Chiayunnan motorcycle inspection station HORIBA MEXA-441JE, I08 Manjin motorcycle inspection station HORIBA MEXA-544JA, I17 Kailun motorcycle inspection, Fushi ZKE OM4044T, I21 Baihe motorcycle inspection station RIKEN RI803ET and I31 Environmental Protection Administration inspection station RIKEN RI803ET. 9.2009 the First Award of Healthy Cities in Taiwan The First Award of Healthy Cities in Taiwan is divided into 3 main categories which are healthy city outstanding award, innovation achievement award and outstanding contribution award. The applications of this award competition are as many as 122 applications in the whole country. The initial examination will invite 10 committee members divided into 5 teams to process examination and recommend great related documents to the second examination. The final examination will be judged by 5 reexamination committee members, and there are 26 documents which are awarded. Chiayi City applied for the Innovation Achievement Award with the report that pollution reduction in Chiayi city which is ratio of motorcycles coming for the annual inspection in Chiayi City is No1. in the whole country in a series of 9 years. Ratio of motorcycles coming for the annual inspection in Chiayi City granted the first place in the whole country in a raw of 9 years and presented the best model for city pollution reduction. It provides a clean and healthy living environment for the whole citizens, and therefore granted high recognition from the reexamination committee members. Reexamination committee members addressed that healthy environment must comply with the principles of healthy cities and has diversified development strategies. It is indeed not easy to solidly present the development result and significant effectiveness.
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 嘉義市政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 春迪企業股份有限公司