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Title 98年度農工業臭味及禁止露天燃燒宣導之管制與改善計畫
Abstract 一、(1)完成異味污染源巡查作業240場,巡查結果廠外散發臭味者佔60.0%,廠內臭味級數分佈以二級能分辨氣味者為主佔45.4 %。(2)執行沅水企業股份有限公司(台西工廠)等40點次之異味採樣官能測定檢測作業,檢測結果共6件超過法規標準。(3)辦理璟美環保科技有限公司等7家工廠之減量協談及後續改善追蹤作業。二、(1)完成露天燃燒巡查管制作業1034件,巡查結果大範圍燃燒案件佔26.4%,燃燒物質主要為稻草並發生在6月至7月及10月至隔年1月中;非大範圍燃燒案件佔73.6%,燃燒物質屬植物及都市垃圾為主。(2)ㄧ二期稻作收成前加強禁止露天燃燒宣導作業,包含辦理10場次禁止露天燃燒夜間宣導說明會、播送電視跑馬燈及宣導錄音帶等。(3)由93年至98年單位燃燒面積及體積數據顯示,單位燃燒面積減及體積已有明顯下降,分別下降64.3%及97.4%。三、(1)完成餐飲業調查管制作業201家,調查結果油煙排放方式,直接排入大氣者佔54.0%,經防治設備排入大氣者佔32.2%,違法直接排入下水道者佔13.8%,而採用之防治設備主要為簡易式吸附桶及濕式洗滌塔主。(2)辦理中興素食等5家餐飲業減量協談及後續改善追蹤作業。四、(1)辦理2場次「寺廟神壇空氣污染改善觀摩活動」,除觀摩嘉義市城隍廟及本縣二崙鄉國興宮之紙錢減量作為外,並配合調查99年度紙錢集中燃燒之廟宇意願。(2)針對「北港武德宮」等4家廟宇,進行廟宇減量協商及輔導設置環保金爐相關作業。五、(1)建置廢樹枝碎木作業申請及執行制度,共計執行本縣廢樹枝碎木作業204件,平均每件之木屑產生量為240.8公斤。(2)辦理「廢樹枝示範作業觀摩活動」,提升本縣各鄉鎮公所清潔隊廢樹枝碎木作業技能。
EngTitle The Controlling and Improving Plan For Agri-industrial Stink and Outdoor Burning’s Publicity in 2008
EngAbstract 1.(1)There are 240 cases of odorous pollutions that have been inspected and 60.0% of the tested cases that have been detected odor outside of the plants. There are 45.4% of the tested cases that are second level of odorous pollutions inside of the plans. (2)The 40 cases of odorous detection were completed including Yuan-shui company ,and 6 cases had exceed the legal value.(3)The 7 companies of the pollution reducing meeting were Performed including Jing-Mei company ,and tracked the improvement of all companies.2.(1)1034 cases of outdoor burning were inspected. 26.4% cases belong to large area of burning, and the material of burning was straw which occurred in June to July and October to January of next year. 73.6% cases belong to small area of burning, and the material of burning was trash and plant. (2)Before the first and second cropping harvest, enhanced the publicity in prohibition of outdoor burning ,including 10 publicity meetings at night and broadcasting of TV tickers & publicity types.(3)According to the data per area and volum in 2004 to 2009, the data per area and volum decreased 64.3% and 97.4% separately.3.(1)201 cases of restaurants were inspected. 54.0% cases exhausted fume to the air, 32.2% exhausted fume throug the treatment equipment, 13.8% illegally exhausted fume into sewer. The type of treatment equipment usually were adsorption can, wet scrubber and spray scrubber. (2) Performed the pollution reducing meeting of 5 restaurants including Chung-Chin restaurant, and tracked the improvement of restaurants.4.(1)Performed 2 cases of the “Observation activities of air pollution improvement for temples”. Observed the doing in reduction of joss paper, and inspected the will of collecting joss paper to burning.(2)Performed the pollution reducing meeting of 4 temples including “Woo-De temple at Beigang”, and counseled the temples to install the environing furnace.5.(1)Completed the petition and performing system of waste branchs smashing. 204 cases of waste branchs smashing were completed, and each case could produce 260.14kg of sawdust. (2)Performed the “Demonstration activities of waste branchs smashing”,which could enhance the ability of waste branchs smashing for all Yunlin townships.
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 雲林縣環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 理虹工程顧問股份有限公司